Dindo Nuffinrong

You erroneously expect intellectual property that has been publicly released to remain proprietary. Is it also stealing intellectual property when you invite a friend over to view a copy of a film? Do you feel the need to pay the production company because your friend has made you an accessory to theft?

Im waiting for you to explain what is "stolen" before I can respond further. You tried to explain that sharing a copy is illegal and called it "stealing" when the original item is still safely in the same possession it always was. That, by definition, is not stealing. So what item was ever stolen? Oh, right…

Those were legitimate queries. How else could someone be so supportive of the RIAA and MPAA swindlers than if they were involved in the scam themselves? Whats your cut?

You think the reptilian that wrote Expandables 3 is an "artist"? HAHAHAHAHAH

The movie was not stolen, it was copied. Its not a difficult concept to understand. Are you some sort of recording industry lawyer? Own stock in production companies? Why do you hate freedom?

What was stolen? Or do you mean a copy was made and shared? If we could somehow apply copying into the realm of material products we could solve world hunger

Ask your mom

Explain to me what is "stolen". The original file certainly is not. File sharing is not piracy nor theft. Dont you have some boots you should be licking, statist?

Is that when you decided to renounce your freedoms and embrace proprietary software?

"Steal"? Sounds like the author is implying file sharing is immoral and that copies of files are somehow consumable commodities. The author sounds like one of the "people [who] mistakenly apply to copiable digital data all that they know about the economics of uncopiable material products"

Your opinion was discarded at "gun nut". Just as her job as a police officer is to serve and protect, many people would rather take that responsibility into their own hands rather than relying on donut-munching pigs with an over-10 minute response time to find their lifeless body after the criminal has left he scene.

The author mentions "Elisa taking her share of the blame for not properly putting away her gun" as a "smart writing choice". Why would she put her gun away? What if a burglarizing rapist broke in and had his way with her before slitting her throat while her gun was "safely" locked away? Maybe she realizes she lives in