Gavin S.

He is. Always has been. As shitty as the final year of his career went as he bounced between the Texans and Jets, I'm still glad it happened so he could go in separately from Lewis and get his own recognition for once without being overshadowed or sharing the spotlight.

He doesn’t get it yet....

The 460-4v in Dad’s 74 Marquis had 225 hp according to the interwebs.

No, it’s worse.  An L82-engined Corvette had more than that, and from a 350.

Yes. You got me. I’m a 48 year old black man so basically : Me= Sean Hannity.

This is a big reason I buy manuals—the greater reliability 9/10 times and having a back up starter (though, the latter isn’t as necessary nowadays). I drive sometimes several-hour commutes in Boston traffic. It doesn’t suck less with an automatic. I think the problem is that people want to drive like all the other idio

You right here.

Sure, if you want to see James Bond die.

is this English?

They’re there so the Mustang can’t sense them. If it can’t sense them, it doesn’t know to hunt.


Bless your heart.

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

Agreed.  I definitely rate this one more of a VP (Vape Pen) than a CP , either way , not touching it.

status as a blogger for Deadspin probably doesn’t warrant a response

Sorry Deadspin, but in the US soccer world, ur only slightly better than TMZ.

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

Yeah, I was following the investigation for a while as well, but it was patently obvious that it was going to go nowhere a few months after it started. Its horrible enough to lose a family member in a plane crash, but the pain of not having any closure has got to be so much worse. What a shit show. 

“Slight left, slight right, 300 meters until sharp.....FUCK!!!