Gavin S.

Hey, Karen Sypher was not a prostitute! She is a lovely southern belle who had a very classy encounter with Pitino on a table in an Italian restaurant named Porcini. I’ve eaten there several times. I recommend it.

Halcyon days

Babson has disavowed him nicely.

I feel like all of this information being released is purposeful, like maybe to soften the effect of finally admitting to the public that there are definitely extra-terrestrial beings in and around our atmosphere.

Ha! My 06 M5 has suddenly decided it’s going to fold the drivers side mirror down every time I unlock it. After some research I found that the fix is either replace the entire mirror assembly or glue the fucker in place with some 2 part epoxy.

I don’t know why but I find this extremely creepy.

Might want used!

Do not want.

That is a lovely motor carriage.

The saddest part is that they’ll sell a million of ‘em, too because people are drones programed to buy dreck.

That thing is an abomination, from this subjects perspective. I could never understand the praise Spyker’s got for their design.

YAY!!! We may have a 2 team race this year! This is very exciting, I mean, for Formula 1. I’ll take it.

That is the come at me broiest of all names.

That’s some delicious schadenfreude. Dumbass.

It’s got a GREAT personality, though.


I’d say he’d have too sooner than later.

I can’t help but think of the movie Le Mans when I hear that engine at full howl.