Gavin S.

Burger Kings?   What? 

Shit, right you are. I mix those 2 up for some reason.

He got snubbed for a supporting Oscar in that movie, imo. 

How about a Bonker, because that thing looks like it could and would bonk some heads.

Phil Simms hollering Broken Arrow in regards to the Chargers making this a game in the 2nd half.  Is he saying they have a nuclear accident’s chance of winning? 

That would be hilarious 

I think it's attractive. I see a little 2000 GT in its hindquarters. I like it. 

It’s a testament to the civility of Northwestern fans that she hasn’t been stuffed into a trashcan. 

I’d say this pretty much sums up her social life. Add a dozen cats and you’ll have her future.

Jesus, this chick is a psychopath!

I guess the bollard did not desire to retract.


Brings to mind a quote from SE7EN.

Just cite this list of fecal matter that the clown has uttered in the past to any critic. (From The Week)

Car dealers are scumbags?

I’m baffled by this shit. What possible beef could these truck guys have against electric cars? How is this a threat to them?

Either that was an accidental bit of humor on the handlers part or he’s very quick witted.

They may make it a game, yet.

Or use them to make lemonade.

The way those spectators behaved I wouldn’t shed a tear for them if they got hit. Morons.