
I don't think it was a chance meeting, though. She decides to go into the museum after having that weird run in with the littlest vampire who took his cue from the other vampire who was stalking Vanessa.

Once I realized it was Christian Camargo playing Sweet, I knew he had to be Dracula. You don't hire Camargo to be the nice, nerdy guy.

I agree. They probably didn't need more than an extra 10 minutes, but that left another 12 minutes to fill … and they used most of it on workroom.

Derrick's lip synch was all wrong for the song. I'm just guessing but I'm pretty sure that Mighty Real and Sylvester hold a very special place in Ru's heart. He was a member of the Cockettes and likely a very early drag influence for Ru.

They had 15 runway looks and a voice-over to incorporate so they needed more time, but I'd have been happy with less workroom drama and more David and Amy Sedaris. This has to be the only episode where Ru didn't have to lead and corral the judges to be funny. Just let the Sedarii go. Ross and Michelle were happy just

While that may be true, this is fiction and trotting out the psych textbook to explain your writing is just a justification from Sarah Treem for a contrived resolution than plotting out a believable way to have anyone but Noah be the one driving.

Why am I not surprised that a Clinton supporter prefers an oligarchy?

In the neighborhood Bernie was born and raised in?

A lot of things are "possible" and that's up to the individual viewer to extrapolate, but what they actually showed, which is all that's "real" is him seeing the boat and the fog and freaking out.

I've watched every episode so I get the structure. And they've used it as a crutch too many times this season. There have been so many wildly divergent memories of the same moment that I think the writers have been lazy all season, this one was just the worst because it contrives to put someone at blame who never

Because this is fiction. You need to actually lay groundwork to logically explain a plot contrivance, otherwise it's just weak writing. The writers chose to put Helen in the driver's seat when Scotty got killed, the could have set aside 15 seconds to show Helen talking to Margaret at some point between kicking her out

Well, we saw the beginning. It's a natural progression. They meet, they flirt, they have sex, she asks him to wait out the hurricane with them, they eventually get serious. Those blanks are easy enough to fill in since the first one is there.

I never said he was, I was saying that she actually did tell him no several times when he told her to drive. Those thoughts aren't interdependent.

Except for the fact that one creates the whole story while the other is a wan attempt to keep a loathed character viable.

But Noah's POV was still written by the writers. In Alison's POV, she was haggling with the fisherman on the price of the crabs for the wedding. That would suggest that Margaret wasn't paying for the wedding.

There are discrepancies in memory, which are difficult to reconcile or say A is right B is wrong. Then there are discrepancies of fact. In this case for both Alison and Noah to remember the accident, one of them has to be wrong on who was driving Noah's car, but in both scenarios it was Helen driving, which is

She did, several times. He kept whining and begging her to and she finally gave in.

The discrepancies in their respective memories makes sense. It's the discrepancies in the writer's storytelling that's the problem.

No reason for Helen to be in Montauk since she was no longer on speaking terms with her mother, or for Margaret to even go to the wedding once it was moved off her property.

Thank you. I still don't understand why the hell Helen was there in the first place. When did she start talking to her mother again? Why would she be her mother's date to Cole & Luisa's wedding? Margaret barely knows Luisa and the wedding was at the Lobster Roll? Does Margaret even know what the Lobster Roll is?