
That's the definition of codependency.

But why would Whitney be at the wedding? And does she have keys to her father's car or would she have to steal them off him? Would that require her rummaging around in his front pocket to find them? Or would she just have to lift them off his suit jacket? Would that change it from vehicular homicide to first or second

Exactly. That's why it reminds me of State of Play. It was always obvious who killed her, but they'd add layer upon layer of reasons not to go with your original assumptions.

Yes, but how many were second marriages, and a reminder of all he lost in the past? Cherry knows she lost a grandson and the whole thing with Alison devastated her son. To suggest that he get married in the same place that would bring up such bad memories for the whole family was just placing more value on that damn

I didn't see her in the previews at the wedding. Thanks.

That's a little too big a stretch for me when "Noah accidentally ran over Scotty when both of them were drunk and angry at Cole's wedding and tries to cover it up any way he can."

They'd be upset about losing a home but they wouldn't be so attached to it that they'd destroy their family for it.

I mentioned earlier in the thread but it feels like State of Play. It's not the crime that matters, it's the cover up.

I just don't see Noah protecting anyone over himself. He walked out on his family because he "loved" Alison. then when Alison started "weighing him down" he starts looking elsewhere and tells his therapist about his midlife crisis of wanting to bang his way through Paris.

Alison was twitchier than Scotty when the nanny said she thinks Joanie looks like her "daddy" and Scotty was at the house when Alison was there.

Did you see Scotty with his shirt open? My money is arteriosclerosis.

Not sure how that theory would work. Cole isn't all that interested in saving anyone in Noah's family from anything and I wouldn't expect Alison would care, either. I could see Max setting up Noah to take the fall for Whitney but that's a pretty circuitous way to get back with Helen.

Cherry just suggested she marry Cole in the exact spot where he married his first, lying, cheating wife. I don't know if that's "very nice."

But Luisa's not from a family that has the same sense of attachment to property. It's such a bougie thing. Yes, they lost a lot of land that was sucking up more money than it would ever be worth. They should have sold it years earlier but they all held it up as some great family legacy.

Don't forget the curse and baby-killing granddad. I'd be glad that ranch was gone, too. It was an albatross.

If he really wanted to be dark, and needed a major event to pivot the movie from light farce to whatever it was in the second half, he should have had Caroline die in a seedy way. That way the family choosing to "cover up" what happened rather than grieve the dead child would pack the kind of "not to everyone's taste"

Thank you so much for that update. I'm glad they're thriving because I remember the conversation about how, despite it's seemingly crude subject matter that it was actually a rather clever, well-structured story.

I agree. I just think that no one was committed to it, enough, to force Jason to work on it. He came in with something else, not necessarily better, and they all jumped on it.

I've defended her, but "duly noted" is not a catchphrase worth building your brand on.

That was some drag queen highlights she was sporting under her eyes.