
You started the passive aggression, I just finished it.

Well aren't you just the most delightfully precious person.

Going to Matt & Ben and whining about wanting to shoot on film after he'd been told, constantly, that they're shooting digital. And then, yes, bringing it back up with Farrelly, even though he'd already gone to eFilm with Effie.

Because her definition of "diversity" was "people who look like me." It's more diverse, but she doesn't look for perspectives similar to her own to add more to the mix.

But there was a conference call in between. She doesn't say "as you wanted to" and more importantly she doesn't say "as you wrote it." There were discussions not shown, but are briefly shown in the behind the scenes, that suggest the stunt was removed entirely and she was able to get it reinstated. Not "as he wanted

There was a conference call with Len, Jason and Effie where they discussed the stunt that wasn't shown on the episode but was shown briefly on the behind the scenes.

No, he clearly thinks "the production team" is against him. He's said so on both the episode and the behind the scenes. He thinks they're just trying to create drama for the show and that they're using his "inexperience" as an excuse.

Lip service was probably the wrong choice of words, and I defended her decision not to have the only POC be a chauffeur, but I do think she works with a very limited definition of diversity herself. It's just not getting called out because she's an African-American woman.

But he doesn't actually think he is. And that's the problem with working with him. In the behind the scenes, he actually complains that "the production team" use his inexperience as an excuse, but actually thinks he has plenty of experience because, in his own words, making shorts is the same as making a feature.

I'm a Puerto Rican/Croatian woman, and I think both of them have their heads up their asses.

She came in with a network, though. She also produced a pretty highly-acclaimed film this year, Dear White People.

Watch the behind the scenes. Jason thinks the others are using his "inexperience" as an excuse. He thinks making shorts is exactly the same as making features. Seriously, he says that almost word for word.

But that's not what he did in this case. Here it was two professionals having a disagreement. We're relitigating the first episode, but Damon did not "mansplain" or "whitesplain" to her. He said that the diversity wouldn't come from "casting the show" it would come "from casting the movie." He was very clearly

She hired the casting directors. She chose a white woman and a white man to cast a movie, including leads, supporting and I'm assuming extras, about very rich people for a script that she had to know would only feature white people since she watched the short.

Life sucks. Acknowledge, move on.

Maybe it was, but the point to bringing in Pete Jones was to make it better. It was supposedly in worse shape than The Leisure Class, but they had a lot of rewrites on that, too.

Please, Jason's been trying to play the big names against the people he's been tasked to work with. He went over Effie and Marc's head at every turn during pre-production and now he has to deal with those decisions.

They didn't get the signatures because he didn't choose a location until right before shooting.

Those aren't compromises as much as the repercussions of his poor decision-making and inexperience.

never mind. wrong person.