
Effie, who is clearly an unreliable narrator, does make reference to how "suddenly" the movie is "The Fast and the Furious," suggesting that the flip was not originally in the script but added at some point.

Please let me know when he's presented himself admirably? Other than when he gets his way? He judged Pete before working with him, he seemed to believe he was better than the Farrellys until he needed their help, and he just comes off like a gladhanding climber.

That's why I call shenanigans. Marko, Chris even the Beanie Bro would have made a better movie with the script they were given. Jason acted like he was doing everyone a favor by agreeing to work with them.

But at what point is it his responsibility to make a decision? It's his movie, they're his decisions.

But that's up to Jason, not Effie. She couldn't guarantee that he'd care enough to rectify the situation.

That we see are the operative words, though.

No. I think he's just an entitled twat who has no idea how to make a movie on budget and is blaming others for his mistakes. He never once takes responsibility for how the things he did caused problems, like not choosing a location early enough or deciding to give up extra days to shot on film.

So he's naturally that much of a dick? He has a big career ahead of him in Hollywood, then. Because a lot of the drama was in him sneaking around trying to get his way when his producers told him no.

Maybe. I don't know. I was just pointing out how, despite her claims to being very cognizant of "diversity" her definition of diversity is "people who look like me." She got away with it because she's not a white man, but she also proves that "like attracts like." She didn't even think twice about how she could be

I sincerely hope it was a quote that maybe got left out in editing.

Effie said early on that the "name" actors were working for scale. That was one of the reasons they wanted to shoot in LA instead of Georgia. So the bigger name actors who have higher minimums were at least able to stay home and work on the film rather than do a location shoot.

But he's the director and he demanded to see more locations. At some point you can only make the person leading the production do things.

No, if Jason had learned to pick his battles and make decisions, they might have been able to shoot at night. He wanted a 200-year-old country estate to magically show up in Southern California and waited until the last moment to choose a house that they had on their original location list.

"Jason completed a short of his script (with one of the leads) in a great location for next to no money and everyone loved it."

I feel more comfortable in assuming he just has disdain for everyone. The jerk couldn't even warm up to a big, cuddly dog.

Here's where I think editing came into play. When that conversation begins with Effie, Jason, Len and Marc (?) it was clearly not the first time they were all involved with a discussion about the stunt. Even when she goes to Jason to tell him she thinks she can make it work, it's clearly at least the second

No, he was selected based on Delicacy and the video he shot from the scene they sent to all the finalists.

Are they describing her or is it a pull quote from the episode? Serious question because I didn't realize that was the title of the episode and I can't imagine HBO would use such an offensive title UNLESS it was said by someone, and hopefully that someone was either Effie, Van or Allison.

It wasn't just "hire one black person" since she, not Marc, was the person who put the rest of the production team together. And she made sure to hire women and other African-Americans, but not Latinos or Asians or other points of view.

I think Jason's as much to blame for what happened with Peter Farrelly. He would do things without talking to Effie and let her get blindsided. He even acknowledged that he should have talked to her about the Farrelly call. So he was quite comfortable being passive aggressive during pre-production to get his way.