Paid Russian Troll Dimitrii

The only thing I seek to undermine is uncoolness. America doesn’t have to live like a refugee from her cooler 1970's self.

Blues Traveler’s only saving grace is that they briefly may have been a gateway for young listeners into the vastly superior music of the Grateful Dead. Otherwise, blech.

I am taking Samantha Bee’s side in this feud. She won my heart last year with her expositions of diabolically clever Russian trolls directing all world events. That was quite an ego boost. Paranoid flattery is best flattery for a troll.

Impeachment is the only answer? Really, Maxine? I was under the impression that the American people have the option to vote Trump out of office in less than 2.5 years. Isn’t that the accepted method for a democracy to remove an obnoxious public official?

I know Joe and Eileen Bailey personally. They are lovely folks, the salt of the Earth. I invented them while sipping coffee in an office cubicle in St. Petersburg.

American progressives can thank Russian trolls for this gift. It was our backing of Medicare For All proponents Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein that enabled the issue to go viral. Absent our masterful machinations you’d have staunch Medicare For All opponent Hillary Clinton in the White House, and Medicare For All

Also worth noting is that Immortal’s 1995 Battles in the North codified black metal’s association with frigidity and winter, which is a thing we take for granted now.

It is good that the friendly lovable Pooh is a bear — the symbol of Russia. Also good is that his name is highly suggestive of President Putin’s. American children will carry this indoctrination into their adulthood.

I applaud the newfound intellectual honesty of American liberals who are openly allied with neocons in 2018. All that fake liberal anti-war sentiment from the Bush years is a faded laughable memory, and the anti-war wing of the Democratic Party is extinct. Good. None of that shit was ever anything but an exercise in

Right on! Russian trolls agree: the black ex-President who allowed Wall Street to get away with the crime of the century is every bit as entitled to enrich himself with speaking fees from Wall Street crooks as any white ex-President. Obama EARNED that money, and now it’s his time to GET PAID by the crooks he kept out

Yeah, who could have predicted this? *rolls eyes* No matter how times Russian trolls warn there will be many more such revelations, you Americans are inevitably shocked by the next one. You fancy yourselves worldly cynics, but you remain doe-eyed innocents.

When Morgan Freeman signed up to be the spokesman for the scurrilous war-mongering Committee to Investigate Russia, he might have considered that somebody might form a committee to investigate him. It was worth every ruble.

We Russian trolls are the rebel writers of today. There is no point in fighting us; we have all the momentum. We are the high and beautiful wave that is drowning the forces of Old and Evil. We started with Hillary Clinton.

Fear not, ye Americans weary of the interminable imperial wars in the Middle East that Obama promised to end but instead continued. Any day now, a contrite ex-President Obama will raise his mighty voice to resurrect the once-vibrant anti-war movement that he crushed out of existence while President. He’s just waiting

What an insulting narrative, riddled with gaping omissions. It is indisputable fact that we Russian trolls have been the prime movers of American political currents in recent years. All reputable American media and politicians agree with us on that score. It is Russian trolls who define America’s political menu. You

Why the negativity? I personally find it heartening to watch Hillary eschew her customary recriminations and acknowledge our victory over her with fortitude and good cheer. There is no greater joy in life than to cross swords with a worthy adversary, and a warrior is never more worthy of respect than when she doffs

Too soon to say nobody has any use for the Clintons. We Russian trolls still have roles for the Clintons to play, though I admit they have reached a point of diminishing returns.

Let’s get real here. When you Democrats get back in power you will abruptly realize you have zero appetite for spending the colossal amount of political capital it would take to try to amend the U.S. Constitution and kill the Electoral College. To think otherwise is pure delusion.

Mueller has no excuse to drag this nonsense out beyond October 7th. That’s President Putin’s birthday.

Trump does make a valid point about the “hacked” DNC server. The FBI made multiple requests for access and the DNC rebuffed them all. The FBI’s failure to compel production of the server through subpoena or search warrant remains inexplicable. To this day, the only confirmations of Russian hacking of the DNC server