
Good luck getting a signal down there Tony

All I need is Facetime and a bit more RAM in my iPad

In my apartment I get the following:

@Chernobyl: No sir, he is an authentic terrorist. Now where is that taser and the one way ticket to Guantanamo?

@sweetelectro: Because his songs really do suck and he acts like a baby

Is it worth giving up the mail client on OSX and making a switch to browser based gmail?

@mind in rewind: Facetime for both OSX and Windows would be awesome

How would you use this at the gym while it's clipped to you?

@MacTodd: I was expecting a photoshoped Steve Jobs in Lady Gaga attire!

Am I the only one who is terrible at this game? I don't think I even got through the first 5 levels before I deleted the game

@FriarNurgle: I am so donating my body so he can blend it!

@Yeah!: He just has a big brain

We had something similar called SmartBoards ( [smarttech.com] ) in high school. They used a projector and where pretty shitty compared to this though

I used to work for an SF based business and they would tell me to put down my 212 land line number as a contact instead of my 646 cell number. I guess they were desperate for the Manhattan status

I freaking love Verizon :)

We pay for 35/35 Fios