
When people oppose affordable housing, they often do it for reasons other than distaste for poorer people. Instead, they raise the kinds of concerns Chappelle is voicing here: the development is not consistent with the character of the neighborhood, or it won’t be aesthetically pleasing, or it will increase traffic,


Repo Man is the best thing anyone has done ever.

If they really want to be like Smash, then the next five fighters need to also be Game of Thrones characters who all fight with swords and are all variants of Arya.

know it’s acting, but it is weird to have somebody playing a scientific genius who in real life doesn’t understand the basics of how to read data.

The Friday movies are relatively consistent, but that’s a low bar they are clearing. Just mostly interchangeable, cheap-ass, crap-ass movies.

Log off, dude. Jesus Christ.

The comments on this story are a fucking septic tank, but the people who’ve decided to use their limited time on this earth to publicly declare their opinion that this video game company is probably lying about death threats for clout really need to do some serious introspection.

Shouldn’t the launch content be sufficient to judge a multiplayer game, especially when we are this close to when the game launched?  If the playerbase has already become this bored of the game, I doubt that any dribble of dlc to come along will revitalize the game.

Having witnessed them turn Walkin On the Sun into a 12 minute jam when they played a rib fest that was inexplicably next to my train platform a few years ago, that song is not a jam. 

Nah you trippin’

Um, I think you will find that’s literally the case with any album

There making it much too easy on the people who title porn parodies.

To the parents of teens: do you monitor your kids’ devices and social media accounts to make sure they’re not getting too close to bad actors?

The anti vax stuff still keeps coming up because in every statement she puts out where she claims to not be an anti vaxer, she just so happens to also say things like this:

Oh look, a wild internet “ackshully” guy is here to help us out.

I’m a fan of Samurai Reincarnation as well, which is another Fukasaku movie. My favorite parts are the scene where the demons recruits the spear-wielding monk, whose sexual repression has gotten so bad that he fantasizes about murdering women (ie an incel before his time, in a way), and the scene where the villagers

Is that the one where Chiba’s Japanese Christian turns Satanist in the first scene, after seeing his family and congregation murdered by Shogunate forces?

Charisma without Emotional Maturity? That leads to some altogether different problems we don’t need.