
Finally? Finally for who??

With all of nerdom in a non-stop race to be the worst, Star Wars fans show a real tenacity for pulling ahead in the lead.

Laugh now, but just wait until she’s and Rep. Boebert (R-Guns) are the GOP ticket in 2024.

You know who else was hilarious and a caricature in 2015? the candidate Donald Trump. How did that work out for y’all?

Wario is evil, and the idea that unfettered greed and theft is “just simple honesty” strikes me as the cry of a capitalism apologist. Don’t get me wrong, I love Wario, but this is like saying “Gordon Gecko is just being American; he is, in fact, a patriot.”

I unironically love that album. Joey sings the absolute hell out of “Baby I Love You”

Because everyone should know he’s an asshole always and forever. Must be mentioned at any opportunity.

it’d be cheaper to buy the paint and head to the garage than buy a oled monitor and watch this video lmao

I’m more and more convinced that anyone who ever uses the word “patriot” for any reason should be viewed with extreme suspicion.

His wife also said he was always peaceful. She may not be the trusted source that snopes thinks she is.

I have to imagine a good 80%

He still voted for Barrett and has more or less backed the GOP agenda. He doesn’t deserve a cookie because he won’t outright back a coup.

Mitt has always tried to have his cake and eat it too - he wags his finger at Trump occasionally so that he can appear to be reasonable, but falls in line with some truly awful policies the rest of the time.

Yeah, except it’s just a bad idea. Too short to tell a proper story, too long to be a quick thing to watch when you have a couple of minutes. Somehow counting on the assumption that people in the USA take mass transportation a lot more than they do (outside a very few cities) and want to watch a 10 minute piece of a

I mean, the ownership struggles of this site are well documented. The authors who are suggesting shrinking the window aren’t the ones that are choosing to use the format.

“What did the Romans ever do for us - ?”

The Romans did a lot of bad things but I’m thinking maybe they should have thrown a few more Christians to the lions. 

So they have the guy blocked in, and he isn’t going anywhere, so why did they not just wait him out? This is another area where the whole yeehaw cops thing is failing; cops are supposed to bring things to a peaceful conclusion, not a fast one. They could have sat there, clocking up overtime, while someone patiently

Too early for such statements. We have no idea of what film or what kind of film it will be. Because all we imagine is too close to “Contagion”, and I really doubt he’ll go for a reskinned remake.

It’s so sad we consider it a punishment for this rich man to retire to his personal golf course as a punishment. Any punishment for Trump that doesn’t include prison and losing all his money is a win for him.