
Anagrams of her name include Americans Lose & Ceremonial Ass

I remember being on the alt.horror usenet group when that book came out and even these guys, full-time horror nerds, could not believe the insane plot of this book.

I mean, nobody’s in charge. That’s kind of the point. People are going to criticize someone who says something they don’t like. You’re free to disagree with them. You’re worried about people deciding what’s unacceptable,  yet here you are deciding what’s unacceptable for other people to say. And yeah, comparing the

i remember going to a candlelight vigil to protest the iraq war and stood next to a couple who complained and then snarked - at length - that the candles we were given weren’t scented.

Paul bout to regret his whole life...

There are some decent songs on Acid Rap, but I'd agree that Coloring Book set the stage for The Big Day's crappiness

If you're doing requests, I'd like it to be in a movie with Academy Award winner Tatiana Maslany.

even recasting anders wouldn’t make me like him lol

To be a pedant, you shouldn’t *think* he’s wrong, we *know* he’s wrong. The only peer reviewed study that linked vaccines and autism has been confirmed as fraudulent and no other work has found any link.

RP1 really is just Snow Crash but Stupid and Badly Written.

People who think that Vader was just a vocal performance are nuts. Prowse brought real physicality and a terrifying aura to the character. Every time he so much as tilted his head, or wordlessly strode into a room, he absolutely owned the space. He could have been an awkward mess but Prowse rocked every moment he was

How is he a fraud? I mean, as opposed to any other magician?

AvClub’s news writing is pretty much just a delivery vector for unnecessary snark and abrasive takes. Hughes’ articles in particular.

Better yet, all public domain songs. I’m way into the idea of unlicensed biopics having the star sing, say, Camptown Races. 

Yeah Netflix doesn’t give a damn that he feels bad, but his new specials are (currently) worth more than reruns of a 15+ year old show. It’s not going to set any precedent from anyone who doesn’t have similar pull.

It’s too bad... I had liked her in Haywire, Deadpool and here. I liked that a woman who weighed more than 105 pounds was being portrayed as both hot and heroic. But if she hasn’t learned by now to keep her mouth shut lest the whole world find out that you are a flaming, nasty asshole, that’s on her. I can’t see her

I cannot stress enough

While I was in grad school for engineering I met a PhD drama student whose thesis subject was about American and Mexican Pro Wrestling. It was at that moment when I realized I picked the wrong field to get into.