

sure, sure

star Liu Yifei that seemed to show support of the Hong Kong police

Yeah, because that excuses giving the thumbs up to an authoritarian regime.

Most likely, but that doesn’t change the fact that they could have just...not filmed there...

Toots Hibbert and the Maytals made incredible music. I’m very sad over his passing.

Have you seen Prisoners? I wouldn’t have called that anything approaching sterile.

It’s interesting tho, because that’s exactly the sort of criticism I would level at most of Christopher Nolan’s work (with some exceptions).

He looks like someone who knows he got played and fucking looks like Vehicle Voltron in those shoes, so today was not a good look for him at all.

Of course in Lovecraft, once you’ve read a book you shouldn’t have, there’s no coming back, you’re done for.

Yeah, it’s always fun when the Nazis turn your work into a new hate symbol.

Even the meaning of the title speaks to a perverted sense of irony.

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

#CenterMassUntilThreatDrops #Jesus” .... He read a different version of the bible than I did.

Should have kicked Karen off the flight.

The US military would embrace the Red Skull if he promised to keep the money hose opened full blast.

I will never understand the appeal, it speaks to a very narrow niche of people, geeky white boys. It’s like a Baumbach movie but serious.

Defending Mark Zuckerberg’s feelings is certainly a position you can take, I guess.

Well, we see five minutes of him being a snotty, self-involved, unnecessarily insecure, confrontational and condescending asshole to her while they’re supposed to be on a date before she delivers that line, so that’s at least partly where she gets to determine that he’s an asshole.

Two spilt milk gallons is a hell of a mess.

Are they under the impression Verhoeven didn't know exactly what he was doing when he cast Van Dien?

Nah, it’s still hard to justify. It’s a Facebook post. The cops can show up to the protest and arrest people there. This is fucking ridiculous.