
Yeah exactly, I’m not mad about that quote at all

T be fair it’s kinda batshit self indulgence that makes ghost so good

Now playing

Great soundtrack from that movie, too, and I love Billy Preston’s title track.

The soundtrack for this movie is seriously amazing. From the opening track of ‘Down and Out In New York City’ to Lynn Collins’ ‘Mama Feelgood’ to the Das EFX sample source ‘Blind Man Can See It’ to an audibly pissed James Brown tearing the roof off in ‘Make It Good To Yourself’, it’s all funky and heavy as fuck. One

The genius of Hedberg’s work is I never get tired of seeing the jokes, and - even when only written - I never forget the inflection.

This will be a welcomed gift.

Nah, dude. You’re conflating folk rightly taking people to task for having bad, even loathsome opinions and trolls engaging in mass harassment campaigns. GTFO with that.

Careful, now, Ruprecht might see your comment and berate you for wishing harm on awful, shitty people. “Now, now, it doesn’t do to be uncivil to these monsters!”

Well there is video evidence that he is indeed a runner.

I generally find only terrible people use the term “virtue signal.” It itself is like an anti-virtue signal. A good way to know someone offers no value

Do people who use terms like “virtue signaler” realize that they’re signaling that they’re virtually douche bags?

Imagine being angry about a kiss.

See... it’s posts like this that make it hard to consider you a good guy. Hand wringing over calling scum what it is does nothing but deflect from the real issues.

fuck your decorum, eat my ass you binch


I’m still waiting for my Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser TV show.

they need to do another great ‘Candyman’ film while Tony Todd is still young enough. ‘Candyman’ in the time of Black Lives Matter, there’s a lot of potential there...

Maybe it’s because he’s seen Rob Zombie’s movies.

Ravenous?! Hard to recommend???!?!

Caesar Romero is Numero Uno.