
Also Sam Rockwell’s little dance when he comes onstage

I am pretty mixed on the Raid 2 - it’s too long, too much of it is dialog, there’s no real coherent storyline - but the actual fight sequences are mind boggling. You could easily cut 30-40 minutes of talking heads and basically get the same movie.

Oh hell yes, this movie is amazing.  I wish Florentine would get back to making stuff like this.

...and has awfully adult-looking penmanship

Donal Delay was banned from Twitter for a while for calling Mags Visaggio the c-word and his “apology” was virtually identical.

Don’t know if you are familiar with Laird Barron, but his Occultation and The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All are two of my favorites.

God, someone put this website out of its misery already. 

This is what I immediately thought of.

From Beyond? Re-Animator? Dagon? The Resurrected? All good adaptations, however loosely.

Eh, I don’t hate it, it’s just not my thing. 

S.H.I.T. - What Do You Stand For? gets my nod. Also good stuff from Sect Mark, Sunshine Ward, and Cadaver Dog.

They are named after a song from Aladdin, “Proud of Your Boy”.  You can’t make this shit up.

You’re goddamn right.

Alright, I’ll allow it.

Ok, “How you gonna name yourself after a damn gun and have a man bun” is a pretty good line.

Yeah, it absolutely still is.

Yeah, it absolutely still is.

Nah, Ether isn’t the killer track people make it out to be. For every good line there’s three “Gay-Z” or “Cockafella” jokes any eight year old could have come up with.

The bloodwine martinis and raw tentacle snacks probably didn’t help.

“Down and Out” is one of my favorite James Brown songs, along with “People Get Up and Drive That Funky Soul” from Slaughter’s Big Rip Off.