
His point about Nicholson playing Jack as too crazy and creepy for the beginning arguably has some validity, but for him to tout the miniseries with the dude from Wings as an improvement makes me think he’s still high out of his mind.

I am excited to hear it. I like Devil is Fine but is was messy and half-finshed (which isn’t always the worst thing for black metal). It’s easy for these “black metal/other genre” hybrids to be gimmicky or fail to mix the two styles together coherently, but this guy at least seems to have no shortage of ideas.

22 minutes? Nice. Most rap records should top out at 35 minutes or less - no skits, no filler, no 10 minute monologue about your come-up, just give me the good stuff.

Liefeld bashing is all fine and good, but Cable was created by Chris Claremont and Deadpool and Domino were created by Fabian Nicieza. Liefeld’s “original” characters are slightly revamped versions of Teen Titans or X-men, but XTREME.

That’s par for the course for this kind of movie, though.

It looks like Sausage Party with puppets. How are Franco and Rogen not attached to this crap?

Oh good, 975 more anime series.

It’s been a long time, but the woe-is-me rich man protagonist and ludicrous deus ex machina ending are what sticks out in my mind today.

A Man In Full was one of the most infuriating books I’ve ever read.

Melvins absolutely did, but they are not really “grunge”.

I wanna see Dominic Monaghan as Manson. Or Jeremy Davies.

The guy who did Galaxy Quest is directing this? That sounds like a great choice, actually.

Any time a satirical movie (or even just a slightly subversive one) is remade, it seems the point is completely missed. Robocop is the one I always think of, but there’s tons.

Yeah, the combination of cheaper materials, higher prices, boutique vanity builds, and their policy of only selling to retailers in huge quantities have driven a lot of people away. I predicted back in Feb that Juszkiewicz would be ousted before long, but that didn’t exactly take Nostradomus.

The Kurgan is the greatest 80's metal villain of all time, hands down.

“John Romero” huh?

Dr. Octagon, Flatbush Zombies, E-40, Czarface & DOOM

I always wanted to see a Lars Von Trier adaptation of Funky and/or Crankshaft, the most miserablist daily strips ever.

The other day, I almost ended up engaging with a guy who was complaining about non-Snyder Superman being an “SJW” until I thought better of it and just had some whiskey instead.

Any time someone on the internet says “_____ is REAL, people” I instantly know they are a sucker. “Far left,” LOL.