Evil Dead II doesn’t have a kid sidekick running around with him, or “hackers” who seem to have made up all their own dialogue though.
Evil Dead II doesn’t have a kid sidekick running around with him, or “hackers” who seem to have made up all their own dialogue though.
Rap metal (a nu-metal subgenre) might be the actual worst.
So AV Club can write more dumb gossip articles about it, duh.
Speaking of Stallone though:
I think you’re forgetting a little classic called “Hudson Hawk”.
Ted Nugent is a draft dodging, racist pedophile has-been. He also ships in domesticated wildlife to hunt, to bolster his tough guy image without actually having to do the work.
Gary Busey
This is actually a good album though.
The Robert Greysmith Zodiac book is riveting and terrifying, though maybe not as much as the movie.
Nope, they’re terrible for anything that uses distortion or harmonics, and pretty tough for fast and/or percussive material.
I would love to see this, but it would almost have to be animated. The CGI budget alone would dwarf Game of Thrones.
...and then brought Whedon in to attempt to copy Marvel’s bright colors and snappy dialogue when that failed.
That second one’s pretty reasonable - solid color scheme, well planned placement, readable silhouette.
I just noticed there’s like a black moon or something behind it. Lots of bizarre choices here.
Eh, no, those colors are awful. It looks like a black light poster.
It does look incomplete. Look at the trails of negative space through the tail, suggesting smoke, and the gap before the end of the tail. Maybe there was supposed to be white ink there? Imagine getting 90% through a huge backpiece, realizing it was awful, and just stopping.
He wrote the first draft of Gremlins, when it was still a regular horror script and Gizmo turned out to be the bad guy. Little of his original draft made it to the screen.
Pun intended?
Ray Wise, from Reaper.
For many like myself, the Satanic Panic was a great introduction to underground metal, as they would have bands like Venom and Celtic Frost alongside stuff like the Beatles and Journey or whatever.