I’m sure the trailer for this will have a slow, twinkly-piano, white-lady-singin’ cover of the theme, and the soundtrack will feature covers by a wide variety of crappy modern acts.
I’m sure the trailer for this will have a slow, twinkly-piano, white-lady-singin’ cover of the theme, and the soundtrack will feature covers by a wide variety of crappy modern acts.
Don’t you know that anyone who dislikes mediocrity is an elitist?
Redglare is also in Down By Law and Strangers in Paradise; tellingly, he’s the sketchiest dude in two different Jarmusch movies.
There’s no chance in hell Trump knows who Darren Aronofsky is.
Yeah, that’s a super weird comparison that stuck out to me. Who in the hell is a die-hard fan of both of these directors?
Armless Tiger Man would like a word with you.
Morrison’s book is basically the platonic ideal Justice League.
It’s less direct satire and more ensemble action-comedy, but if you like X-Statix I’d imagine you’ll still enjoy it very much.
I would’ve loved to hear El-P’s proposed soundtrack, but surely it would’ve been bombastic as hell too.
They all look like that though. The Flash’s look is the least aerodynamic design possible.
It’s absolutely not meant to be “enjoyable”. In fact it’s quite unsettling and strange - as much sound design as it is “music”.
The new Thor at least had a hybrid of the generic orchestral Marvel stuff and some of the 80's synth stuff that become popular again thanks to Stranger Things/Blade Runner/It Follows etc. Not the most original but at least there was some personality, and it changed the tone of the action scenes.
Even casinos don’t charge 60 bones to get in the door.
A friend of mine does the craft fair here, and struggled to sell her lovingly handmade stuff for a couple of years. Then she started making “mystery boxes” with like marbles and ribbon and shit in them, and people buy them like crazy.
Guggenheim’s a hack and an idiot.
Dead Moon used to put a candle on the bass drum and play ‘til it had burned all the way down. If the crowd was good they would take a break and play another candle down to the nub.
Goddammit, even though I figured this was coming after his ill health this year, it’s still a kick in the gut. I had the pleasure of seeing Dead Moon and Pierced Arrows a few times and they were always great. Fred was one of the last of the originals, a hard-drinking, hard-gambling, marathon-running, cross-country…
I’m reading that right now. I think it’s a cheeky nod to the fact that atheism can become as dogmatic as any religion.
If they get anyone besides Simon Pegg to play Wee Hughie, then it’s a wash.
I don’t hate him - Daredevil and Alias are great - but he lapsed into lazy self-parody a decade ago and made an even bigger mess of the Marvel Universe in the meantime.