What I'm curious about is, is it really as dark blue-green as all the stills I've seen indicate? It looks like they color corrected using instagram filters.
What I'm curious about is, is it really as dark blue-green as all the stills I've seen indicate? It looks like they color corrected using instagram filters.
Obviously they don't care a bit about preserving history, since they turn around and in the next breath call it the "War of Northern Aggression" and try to pretend it was about "states' rights". The nastiest form of historical revisionism.
I think it's some kind of roundabout Videodrome joke?
The one guy was like "I'm not the angry racist you see in those photos". You see, he's merely a white nationalist and was at a very emotional point in his life.
*cough Kathy Griffin cough*
"A writer has only a handful of tools in his writer’s box" including internet acronyms, emojis, Godwin's Law, Simpsons quotes, and probably some reaction gifs.
If he's looking for 15 more minutes of fame, perhaps he could eat a bunch of Carolina Reapers and chug a bottle of Fireball on youtube.
Oh god, absolutely not. What an horrible idea. Snyder is a subliterate goon - keep him far away from Neal Stephenson.
Yes, and no way of checking like the little Disqus arrow thing, even.
Kinja is exponentially worse than even Disqus. It's interface is barely usable, it's impossible to tell what a comment is replying to in long threads, and the "grey" system adds an extra layer of impenetrability.
That movie makes a wonderful drinking game.
That sounds better than This is 40.
I'm organizing a twitter campaign against your HBO show as we speak.
Agreed. I understand the concerns 100%, but lots of important and powerful art could be dismissed as "potentially insensitive" before you see it.
Good. Everybody should pick up a copy of G.L.O.S.S.'s Trans Day of Revenge, one of the best hardcore records of the last decade. Get the demo too.
I'm finding the kneejerk pushback against Confederate somewhat disquieting, even if I can see where it's coming from. Especially articles like this that deliberately gloss over the fact that it has black producers and writers as well. "Potentially insensitive" is not enough reason to try and stifle it beforehand,…
Fuck, The Mooch and Arpaio in one day! Awesome.
CEO of Planet Express, briefly?
Craig T. Nelson was on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help him out? No. No.