
I'm organizing a twitter campaign against your HBO show as we speak.

Agreed. I understand the concerns 100%, but lots of important and powerful art could be dismissed as "potentially insensitive" before you see it.

Good. Everybody should pick up a copy of G.L.O.S.S.'s Trans Day of Revenge, one of the best hardcore records of the last decade. Get the demo too.

I'm finding the kneejerk pushback against Confederate somewhat disquieting, even if I can see where it's coming from. Especially articles like this that deliberately gloss over the fact that it has black producers and writers as well. "Potentially insensitive" is not enough reason to try and stifle it beforehand,

Fuck, The Mooch and Arpaio in one day! Awesome.


CEO of Planet Express, briefly?

Craig T. Nelson was on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help him out? No. No.

No, that movie is crapola.

"Hey Salvatore! Give the ugly kid a plate of the red crap!"

Let's see….Bat-nipples, Arnie as Mr. Freeze, Bone Thugs…that's about it.

I'm liking Dear, but it's a bit of a chore to sit through the whole thing. It's sloooooow.

I wouldn't consider them a prog band - they're more psych/garage weirdness. You might be better off with Wand or Fuzz or Wooden Shjips if you're looking for a similar sound.

Apparently they're taking cues from the 90's Death of Superman arc, legendarily one of the worst story lines in comic history.

Escape from New York?

Nothing cracks a turtle like Leon Uris!

The Bruce Willis school of acting.

Cloverfield is lame. The only good part is when they drop a helicopter on the guy right in the middle of his Blair Witch snot-cam moment.

There used to be a Grateful Dead themed restaurant here called Bearly Edible.

The two-year Negan storyline is where it really plummeted over the edge for me. It was just month after month of wheel spinning, soul searching, and sadness beards.