
The Slits are a real band from the 70's.

No! Not Chunky Pandey!

Those are not mutually exclusive.

Buffalo 66 and Three Kings are very blue-green movies, made before the ubiquitous teal-and-orange color correction scheme became the norm.

These are the same people who have pictures of anime girls in Nazi regalia as their avatars. Cognitive dissonance requires cognitive function.

Yes, but Keith David plays the Goldie Hawn role

I'd settle for funny OR well-drawn at this point.

It looks like that old MTV show The Head, truly one of the ugliest cartoons ever made.

Wasn't Russell up for They Live but had a scheduling conflict or something? Piper's great but it's fun to imagine an alternate version with Russell.

would watch

Didn't know there was a new Royce this year…

Some great quest mods: The Forgotten City, Helgen Reborn, The Wheels of Lull, The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal

Ooh, I got one. The Partridge Family but they make Dubstep

I would absolutely watch the pirate Sanford and Son.

About this long!

This season was pretty weak, I thought.

No Hair Metal participants have aged well, not a single one, but Bach in particular looks like his face is rejecting all the botox.

What cabinet position will he give The Undertaker?

I hate all this Honest Trailer, How it Should've Ended, Cinema Sins armchair critic bullshit that youtube always seems to think I will enjoy.

Which category is Pootie Tang?