
The two albums with Redman are really the only other essential stuff. Tical 2000's pretty decent.

There's an interview somewhere with Carpenter where he says they subtly indicated whether or not a character was particularly human by using ring lights reflected in their eyes in closeups. No ring lights - not human.

Riveting, hard-hitting stuff here.

"Wrong" is my favorite too. Better listen to it today.

Fuck, I love that band (and the Hanson Brothers). That's a good run though - not a bad album in the bunch, to my knowledge.

Hmm, I've never heard of Personal Services. Anybody seen it?

"Eve of Destruction" maybe…

I like Paul Rudd but This is 40 made me reconsider that for a while.

It is! He even has a poster by his desk too.

During the Death/Rebirth of Superman arc, Jimmy Olsen's wearing a Spin Doctors shirt the whole time. For like a year.

Man, people hated Ezekiel and the tiger when they showed up in the comics, but I always thought it could use a little more batshit stuff like that and less ho-hum zombie fodder nobodies.

They're probably the loudest band I've ever seen, and that includes Manowar and Sunn 0))).

Or she turns him onto Throbbing Gristle, and he begins surgically remaking himself in her image.

I still have a bunch of the old comics - they were indeed pretty dark.

"Don't Drive Angry"

They both look immune to damage from the sun, though…

Hmm, I think I need to watch that new Tick show.

I think it was slavish devotion to the source material, visually, while completely missing the tone, themes, and overall point of the source. All the glorious slo-mo violence, the triumphant Leonard Cohen sex scene, Ozymandias' transparent villainy - so much stuff Snyder just botched. Who cares how accurate the

Maybe if he'd had a safari hat with little ears. Maybe.

The goofy trenchcoat outfit made me spit out my drink when it first appeared. It looked like it was designed by a 12 year old in 1996.