Am I the only person here who likes the original? Everybody calls it boring, but the deliberate pace and melancholy sense of inevitability are what makes this movie memorable in my opinion. It's not Dead Alive, or whatever, but it's not meant to be.
Am I the only person here who likes the original? Everybody calls it boring, but the deliberate pace and melancholy sense of inevitability are what makes this movie memorable in my opinion. It's not Dead Alive, or whatever, but it's not meant to be.
Exorcist III is great - maybe creepier than the original.
I'd say 4, 6, and X are really the only watchable ones (mostly by dint of being self-aware and having fun with the premise). Most of the others, including the original, are just bad.
Cockneys VS Zombies
How about Durst, Bono, Perry Ferrell, and Scott Weiland covering What's Going On by Marvin Gaye in a rap-metal style?
I'd put part 4 in that category as well.
Warren Ellis' Moon Knight book from a few years ago would be the perfect template, and perhaps the only way to make the all-white costume work.
Ha! I actually have that on VHS for some reason, possibly library sale.
"I love music, so I ride in elevators a lot"
No he plays with his band, Smashmouth.
But are you wearing a baja and cutoff shorts over longjohns?
That was mostly coke though…
They're the cargo pants of the kilt world.
Yeah , "terrible" might have been redundant in the above post.
I saw a terrible fratboy band cover Warren G and Nate Dogg's "Regulate" on acoustic guitars, and they changed all the swear words to something less "offensive" but more annoying (i.e. bitches to "skirts").
I always liked their long-ass cover of "My My Hey Hey" with an insanely coked up Neil Young spazzing out and breaking shit in the video. Good stuff.
Tough to make all those boobs out of legos, presumably.
They should give McTiernan a "Hatesong" feature, he's working so hard to misinterpret these movies.