
Having terrible taste doesn't make you NOT a hipster.

Wow I haven't seen that in like a decade.

Rucka's mid-00's Wonder Woman stuff is great, if you haven't read it.

And popular 90s band White Walker, fronted by Rob Walker.

Kirkman has broken nearly every promise he's made about the Walking Dead comic in the last few years. No color, no spinoffs, no flashbacks, no stories in other publications. He's let story lines languish for years while cranking out multiple failed storyboards for TV shows in the guise of other comics. He's been

Kang is a Fox property because of Fantastic Four, sadly. I would love a Kang Dynasty movie, but it's probably not gonna happen.

Johnathon Banks would be pretty great too.

Fantastic Four looked awful from the beginning. There's no way it would've been good, even before studio meddling. You can't just Fake Nolan everything and expect results.

I really liked Thomas Hayden Church as Sandman. They should have cut out Franco and That 70s dude and just had him and Dylan Baker as the Lizard. Then maybe we could've had this movie too!

I always wanted Ron Perlman to play Kraven. He should be a big barrel chested cigar-chomping asshole, I think.

I can't disagree, but most of that was due to studio meddling. Which answers my question, I guess.

Especially considering Mysterio's background as a stuntman turned hammy actor turned villain.

Yeah, wow! How the hell did we end up with those Marc Webb movies instead of this?

I wondered what the hell that meant too.

I thought Zemo was pretty bland. At least give him the mask and/or the fucked up face.

They actually adapted "She" in the 70s too, so it's not like they can claim ignorance

Well, good thing Nazi Captain America took care of him.

The Cosby Show?

Origin story/found footage/reboot: the shitty movie Hat Trick.

I kind of like Vampires, but it's not exactly great cinema. Good cast though.