
Wait you're that guy that won't shut up about Michael Bay, aren't you? I can tell by the stupid.

You just keep repeating that til it's true.

Hey, look at this guy! He doesn't care whose toes he steps on!

BBS also had the best horror soundtrack of recent memory.

I just read an interview with Andrea Perron, the eldest daughter from the movie who wrote the book that "inspired" it. She claimed to still be in contact with the spirit of Bathsheba, who was apparently upset at her portrayal in the movie.

Me too, I left 'em off my list because they're both not quite horror in the traditional sense, exactly.

I do have it, thanks. Pontypool was really good and pretty unique.

I've been meaning to check that one out - maybe I'll give it a shot tonight.

Curse of Chucky
You're Next (good but not great)
Let Me In (and the original, depending on what you mean by recent)
John Dies at the End
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
Cabin in the Woods
Attack the Block
La Horde
The Loved Ones
The Innkeepers
Troll Hunter (the best found footage movie I've seen)
Rare Exports
Black Death
REC3 (not found

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Gotham is actually in Jersey in the comics.



He switched back before the reboot. He took a blow to the head and was suddenly villainous again, or something equally dumb.

That one had like four knockoffs that sprung up at the same time too. "Hansel and Gretel Get Baked" etc.

If a burning Ouija board pops out of a toilet and bites someone on the ass, I'm sold.

It's called "Weird Al Syndrome".


oh dang

Not that it will make a bit of difference in how much money this fucking thing will make.