
Good debate you two. Both well rationed ideas, expressed thoughtfully. Not enough of that.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were 9.

So everyone else has a problem, okay. That matches up with reality.

Man, does anyone like you?

Hitler Painted Roses.

Pigeon, cloaked wing of grey. In the city's hellish maw, one look and you'll fly away. Your grace holds me in awe.

I notice you completely avoided all of Chomsky's takedown of the man. So having support of majorities in polls equals centrist? 94 million Americans did not feel the need to vote for this clown, or the other one. He has a majority of the largest miniority at best. Stop embarrassing yourself, torturing people in

No he isn't moderate, and no most of his policies aren't just extensions of Bush. Even if they were, why would that be "okay". For Bush it is totalitarianism, but for Obama it is moderation?

"Freedomn" isn't free? You can't get a free domain? What?

But think about that, Grandma, reduced to an act of violence; on Christmas no less! Grandmothers are supposed to bake cookies for good samaritans, not issue ass-kickings. Now a Grandfather, well, people could believe a Grandfather is mean enough to do that.

Well, I wanted some changes. I was going to turn the Grandmother into a Grandfather as well, but Grandmothers seem sadder somehow.

That was my re-telling of the Christmas story featured in "Smoke". Applied with real world logic.

I used to run a cigar shop and one year-after an attempted robbery- a thief left his wallet. Cut to, that Christmas. I was feeling kind of down, so I decided to return the thief his wallet. When I arrived at the address listed on his driver's license, his elderly blind grandmother let me in. The thief and his brothers

Lincoln would be a good example of what I am talking about.

and you know differently based on what?

So, we should only allow the goverment to have guns? Because the government doesn't use them to kill people right? In the last decade, who killed more human beings, lone nutbars that have no weapons training or licensure, or the U.S. federal and state goverment?

I guess we can put it aside, I mean putting aside the killing fields, Pol Pot cried when talking about how his mother died. Hitler cried when he tested cianide on blondie, it's what sociopaths usually do. Pick and choose events that seem more "real" to them. I was saying he is simply insincere, you've attributed an

I see many are, predictably, attacking the comment that questioned the..shall we say authenticity, of emotion from the Pres. Well, consider this: 178 children died due to US drone attacks he ordered on Pakistan and Yemen in 2012 alone. I didn't see him getting too choked up over that.