
come on people make up your mind, first you saying F&F was the worst, then its Need for speed and now its redline. Seriously if you love fast cars or cars in general, who cares how bad the movie is.

How was this the cops fault. the stupid smart car driver vired in to the cops lane. The smart car driver got what he deserved.

Dale Earnhardt Jr., NASCAR’s most popular driver for the past 14 years in a row, announced a few months ago - what a load of bullshit. Jeff gordon,jimme johnson and even that slut Danica are more popular. If it was not for his daddy he be a nobody, with only a few wins (some of which are no doubt given to him by

thats sick, love it. Alfa take note

as great as DTM racing is, there needs to be one or two more manufactures, like volvo, alfa. just Audi and BMW it’s going to get boring.

as much as hate the music from ice cream trucks, he technically can play the music till 10pm,as the law states.

What makes more is that the plane seems to be ok, no major damage.

Typical Canada think they better than the rest, when in fact they more a joke and lets not forget they have no problem funding terrorism.

Same can be said for that cars have to have a catylact convertor, why.... when you still have trucks driving around, spewing black smoke. I could go on but those two are my biggiest beefs.

Why are they fining the driver, she didn’t know and there were no yellow flags waving to caution to slow down.

He is just another asshole who thinks he knows best. Little does he know he is just a joke and he is been laughed at.

I have a gut feeling we all going to be very disappointed with the revealing of the production model, always been like this that we get all excited for the production model after see countless amounts of renderings, camo dress models, and concepts, just to be shaking our heads at the unveiling

why the F$#k was he still racing at that age. Racing association should have revoked his license. good riddance to stupidity.

you talking through your ass, so shut the hell up.

He should be banned for 5 years, you think a world champion would know better. pathetic

was no failure, he locked up the front breaks while coming in too hot in the corner.

Thats mexico for you. not surprised

Regardless that he was a thief she had no right doing that. I hope the police charge her with attempted murder with a deadly weapon.

Two words... duck tape. that will make things piece and quite for the long road ahead.

the Vulcan should be Aston martins call to being a supercar not that that piece of crap eye sore Valkyrie.