
whats a pickup track??? Seriously does no one proofread your work????

please, this all was a setup by the head of F1 just so Lewis Hamilton, the Poster child of F1 racing could win. All these races are fixed to please sponsors or show favoritism. If you dont see that then you are as stupid as you look.

just comes to show how stupid and pathetic canadians are.

omg thisthing is ugly, would have expected more from McLaren

Rightfully so, you resist then you deserve a beat down. By time people start respecting the police and do as they are told.

typical canadian, only think of themselves

or why waste your money when you can download the whole race.

Why the suspension this is what the people what to see.

typical canadian, a pussy. newsflash james you getting paid millions of dollars to race....how is that for free

ROTFL what sure as fuck looks like unfair treatment she’s received over the years - dont make me laugh. 

that thing should have been banned. all its excuses and bad outbursts, it is a joke to the tennise community 

She thinks cause she is the tennis poster child it can get away with anything, come fact its daddy paid her first winning games and cant play for shit, only reason it wins is due to the power cause it was a man, there are few really tennis players that can go up against her.

This in my eyes is a failure, the design is weak. the per z4 was far better looking. 

Disagree in a big way. imo looks terrible on this model. clearly you blind and stupid.

this is ridiculous, the next black person who calls me cracker is going to get a fist in the face and then ill reply no im Caucasian you n... well you get the picture

good riddance to trash

why???? being fat show you dont take care of yourself and you eat like a pig. Not to mention its pretty pathetic if get offended by it, get over yourself. you fat, so deal with it. 

Bet if this was a white on white stabbing woul never make this much media attention......

You surprised its air india.

Seriously who cares, black people need to get over themselves, they think they all so special when they the aminals. videos have proven it, betting their kids, butchering people, need I remind you that 75% of crime is by the black community, not too mention the selling of illegal weapons and drugs on the street are by