If I was her I have him charged with Assault. regardless what ever she may have called him, does not give him the right to assault someone. Shows what animal he is.
If I was her I have him charged with Assault. regardless what ever she may have called him, does not give him the right to assault someone. Shows what animal he is.
too bad they only going to get a slap on the wrist. Cause they under age they never see the inside of a jail cell but rather go to the juvinale detention center. Send them to jail that will scare them straight.
lol what a joke, the ford GT is in par or better than Italian cars. This guy a class A idiot.
She is just pathetic,only reason why she is still driving is cause Tony enjoys getting some head from her.She is nascars slut.
well what you think was going to happen if you when you point a gun at the police. Maybe people will now release no to do this in future. shed no tears for this trash, least he is off the streets for good now. applause is need towards the officers.
lol that right drag the trash out. guess next time he will listen.
I’m surprised you have to recharge at all, thought that was what the regenerative braking was there for??
Reason why any body over the age of 70 should not be driving period.
our troops should even need to still be there period. They dont want us there and i say rather instead of helping them, nuke them so we can move on.
not if his wife has anything to say about it, clearly she wears the pants.
Please, dale jr.is a washout and not that good of a racer, to begin with, i dont believe the bs that he is retiring cause his health, probably his wife’s doing and finally realize he could not live up to his father’s name.
My question would be what the hell was a woman doing on the plane with a stroller. since when are airline allowing this, they a safety issue and a nuisance. They should have thrown the woman off the plane along with the little germ feeder.
probably drunk or too busy getting his pole cleaned to pay attention. Then again thats africans for you.
This is why all cars should be equipped with black boxes.
Only a shame more didn’t die.
with a 9.65 quarter-mile drag time at 140 mph - I call bs on that. the fastest GTR barely scraps that and that’s with well over 1200 hp
That’s not the point.
Talk about a waste, over 50 missiles were sent in to Syria and only 6 people dead. Talk about a failure.
good finally, women want to be treated equal well they should be subject to the same as men.
you such a A$$hole. don’t hate cause you driving mommies minivan.