
I’m going to have to say fake exhaust. Adding a second exhaust pipe when you know that model of a car only has one pipe. also dead give away is when vapor is openly coming out of one pipe.

omg, does nascar think we stupid. Kurt just so happens the driver the Monster sponsored car and just so happens monster is main sponsor for the series. This is so fixed its not even funny.

Seriously why. The hellcat is already too much for the road and well all the hellcat or any high horsepower american car is good for is drag racing. cause on the street they worthless and you will never be able to use the speed, so basically your balls are tidied.

Come on you all think this is for really. its so fixed its almost becoming too obvious.just so happenes a nobody get pole oh and that he has jeff gordons numbers. Just like a few years a go nascar made a bigdeal about danica (slut) as the first woman in nascar,then she gets the pole. not too mention all the other wins

Clearly Ferrari have no idea what to call their cars so they probably ask the workers children to name them.... Laferrari, now superfast..... Ferarri is starting to become a joke.

It’s a seat adjuster

What is wrong with what they doing, there are a number of shops in the states along that you can create a replica of a Lamborghini murci or Countach or even a f430. whats the big deal. what Ferrari is scared it going to hurt their sales. people who buy this cant even afford the real thing and so what if they just want

Probably accommodating Danica as the poor baby cant handle tough tracks. Guess her blowing the president of nascar has finally paid off.

Regardless of what happened, I also have to charge the truck driver with distraction of property and attempted murder.

Prefect reason why people over the age of 75 should be driving and have their license revoked.

That’s the problem, you had Bruno Senna racing the Car. He cant drive, a joke to Senna’s name.

What the hell was he doing there in the first place, clearly WRC needs to do better crowd control.

Well he should have gotten out of the way. I would have knocked him out of the way.

Wow she is really full of her self. will someone please put her in her place. Not only does she dress like a trump for new years performance, but she actually thought she could sing. meme, marey or whatever you call yourself...your a joke.

Let me guess, you one of those guys that she allow to fuck.

She needs to quit, today’s time she is a nobody, a washout and I hate it that every song she needs to throw in those horrible high pitch squeels. ok we get it you can go high on the notes.

And looking like a tramp as always. another washout for 2017 was born

That may be true, but least MCM had a finished car. Roadkill didn’t even have a finished car. battery dying all to often cause of no alternator, no hood, need i go on.

It’s merry christmas.... get it right.

Well I can be one of those that will always be alone. I’ve been single for 6 years, tried every dating app available and not even a single date came from any of those sites. Been to bars and nothing. But I’ve gotten used to the idea and as they say if it happens it happens but if not im cool with that too.