
I absolutely agree.

He has zero idea how the branches of government are SUPPOSED to work, but why would he? With republicans in charge of both the executive and legislative the checks and balances are gone.

I legit think that he assumed upon being elected president that he’d have the powers of a medieval king.

It’s hardly surprising at this point, but the president is trying to act like the democrats are evil by using the courts. A coequal branch of government.

Good thing he tweeted out that vital bit of information. “In other news, the guy at the donut shop is making donuts, and bus drivers have been seen driving buses. In fact, many people everywhere appear to be carrying on with doing what they are paid to do. More as details become available.” He’s really on a “me so

Today’s Code 45* is even more cryptic than usual, which is hardly surprising given all that’s going on right now. But I believe I have deciphered it. His subconscious is pleading with him to end this mad charade before the people, the party, and/or the criminal justice system decide they’ve finally had enough and the

Right, there’s misspeaking, and then there’s talking to some hanger-on about how fame and wealth allows you to sexually assault women. And a lot of his stuff he said on multiple occasions, and so I think that rules out not meaning it the way it sounds.

How can we protect ourselves from the people who are supposed to protect us? I feel like it’s unsafe for black people to travel alone anymore, anywhere. We need a network where a signal is sent every time we are pulled over, where armed observers can watch what the police are doing and will intervene if necessary.

Those animals claimed they originally found 0.02 ounces of marijuana somewhere. 0.02. That’s like, half a gram, maybe? So almost nothing. But of course that charge was dropped. There is a high chance that they planted that tiny amount in the first place, since they said they would definitely find something no matter

There seems to be a pattern here. Because of the incident described int his article, we had to have a specific law put on the books that makes warrantless cavity searches illegal.

I wouldn’t mind if Trump’s entire administration went on vacation out of the country. They’d do less damage that way.

Today I became pro-Juggalo; I can’t believe what this fucking administration has done to me.

You are correct BUT you do realize he has THREE golf courses in NJ ? One of which is in Colts Neck less than a half a mile from where I was lunching ? An area full of rich republican supporters ... http://www.trumpcoltsneck.com/

Man, I’m half-Chinese and have expressed the following sentiment a few times after that horrendous press conference that Fuhrer Trump gave on Tuesday: Chao is ALSO a disgrace for standing up there while Trump defended his pet Nazis.

Regarding Trump and North Korea, was anyone surprised by this outcome? The only thing Trump did was scared the shit out of the American public because we all honestly know he is crazy enough to wage war against NK if it keeps us from talking about Russia. His small dick barking contest resulted in the same outcome

Glad you posted that summary. I watched the interview and wasn’t quite sure if I had hallucinated the whole ‘yeah I was fired for being racist, so Trump’s a good guy’ angle.