
The law is already repeatedly failing us. It fails us every time a police officer kills with unjustified force and gets transferred to another jurisdiction so they can keep at it. It fails every time those cops get away with an excuse like “I forgot to turn my body camera on! Lol!” It fails every time a white


All 4 of those gentlemen are displaying good variations on “Holy shit. This fucking guy.”

Well, shit. What about the folks beating unarmed Black citizens? There is video of them! When will their homes be raided? When will they be arrested?

Holy crap. This was such a clusterfuck of nonsense and idiocy it’s hard to know where to start. This is the smallest point ever from this press conference, but I do think it’s interesting that he seems to be clinging to the idea that economic insecurity is what is driving this unrest and that when he brings back

How does removing a monument change history? What universe are they operating in?? Plz to explain these laws of physics to me.

Don’t make deals with the devil, you know? And don’t convince yourself you can change him.

I just was 3+ minutes in and saw that & had to comment. Obviously, it wasn’t the main thing that happened during the press conference. However, it just goes to show he can’t go even that long without living in fantasyland. Watching the rest of it now and I have already been on Twitter twice and it hasn’t finished yet.

Gtfo with this both sides are bad bullshit. One side is Nazis and despite what Toupee Fiscal claims they’re racists fucksticks. So you’re either pro-Nazi or reasonable there’s no fucking in between and I can’t believe this actually has to be explained to some people.

I was at work while listening to this and had to look around to make sure we were all alive. It was one of those unbelievable moments. If someone had come told me that this country had collectively died and gone to hell, I would have believed them.

This episode added hardcore antisemitism to the list. He referred to the Friday night Nazi ersatz Nuremberg Rally with torches, extended arms and anti-Jewish chants as a peaceful protest.

^^^ all of this.

It was breathtaking in its insanity. He stood there lying and twisting the facts while constantly calling the media liars. He literally defended a white nationalist gathering for its actions because, hey, “they had a permit.”

That fuck was as snippy, bitchy and bratty as any peevish 13-year-old. Refused to take questions, cut off anyone else who spoke, spoke over them. Spoiled little Joffrey Baratheon. He needs to die choking on a pie. tonight.

IMPEACH THIS MOTHERFUCKER! We must march for his impeachment because the goddamn treason-abetting GOP will not do it. It’s clear they will watch any horror, pardon anything from this diseased, hateful orange babboon. I don’t care what it takes, I’ll do it. I was just at a goddamn city vigil for the dead and wounded of

AGAIN: This should not be a serious surprise to anyone. They knew exactly what they were voting for and getting:

Donald’s dogwhistles don’t work because nobody can hear them. Everybody can hear them. Donald’s dogwhistles work because horrible people who don’t want to believe themselves to be horrible people can pretend to be stupid enough to not have heard them.

I saw the same pictures as you did

I am doubling down on his complete and absolute dangerous imbecility.

John Kelly just might quit, or otherwise be deemed a racist Nazi along with our stupid president (not mine).