Dilly Beansss

It’s almost as if he really does not want to be president.

Honestly, I don’t think his supporters really even like him all that much. He’s just an avatar into which they can pour all their hatred of women and blacks and Mexicans and teh gayz and furriners and the Islams and such.

Funny how much he hates disease and germs and yet is a raging anti-vaxxer

Knife and fork with the KFC. Knife and fork! Who uses cutlery with fried chicken?!?

He seriously thinks that EVERYONE owes him something, doesn’t he? Jeezus.

  • Posed with a bizarre rictus of a smile next to a bucket of KFC, which wasn’t insane or offensive so much as it was just kind of weird-looking.

and then he yelled at a baby.

Let’s be real, he’s not planning on being at the debates.

Yeah, I’m starting to think that if Trump actually raped someone in front of his supporters, they’d still be all, “Ha ha, he’s keepin’ it real!”

She probably doesn’t know the reality of the situation for most women. She may be a woman, but she still has been sheltered by daddy’s wealth.

No, dummy. If you’re a strong enough woman, they won’t harass you in the first place. So if you ARE harassed, that’s really on you for not being good enough to NOT be harassed. But maybe if you’re not harassed, it’s because you’re not hot enough to be harassed. So really you need to land in that sweet spot where

I have approximately zero fucks left to give about a poor guy’s life being ruined because he chose to assault someone.

No, you see, by “standing up” they don’t mean being a bitch and trying to destroy the poor guy’s life, they mean quietly quitting your job and keeping it to yourself, like a strong, independent, and classy woman. Also if you can stay inside your house that would be great, your husband can do all the outside stuff for

Yeah! Apparently women’s bodies just have a way of shutting that down.

Wait so, I just don’t allow it? WHO KNEW THIS WAS THE SOLUTION

This makes me so uncomfortable, I don’t think he even touched his wife like that!

I can’t believe people didn’t call protective services or something when this picture came out.

the capital sentencing process that the statute provides is constitutionally inadequate in practice...The results of the jurors’ good-faith grappling with the law—arbitrary, biased, and erroneous death verdicts—are intolerable as a matter of due process and proportional punishment.

I mean, they’re probably not wrong. The death penalty sure seems like cruel and unusual punishment to me and to a number of Supreme Court justices over the years, although the official word from on high is that capital punishment is permissible under the 5th Amendment.

That's when we know that the Constitution works. When we acknowledge the constitutional rights of a little shit like this.