Dilly Beansss

My grandmother hates Hillary Clinton. HATES her. Vehemently and bitterly. But when pressed, she can’t exactly express a reason for it.

Right. Yep. Uh-huh. Tell me more about how this isn’t sexist, guys.

But not because they’re sexist or anything.

It has “zero to do with gender”...to you. That clearly is not the case when it comes to some of the male newspeople/commentators bringing this shit up.

Trump did his entire acceptance speech speaking as if there was no microphone nor amplifiers in that convention hall. He never modulated, just kept yelling into the microphone no matter how quiet the audience. Hillary only shouted to rise over the audience noise. when they quieted, her volume reduced. There is more to

Every time I see this I am reminded of how completely glorious it is. Thank you.

Yes, thank you.

It’s really amazing. It’s especially frustrating to consider the fact that This American Life gets constant criticism for the vocal fry that their female contributors exhibit, but IRA GLASS—who has like a textbook example of vocal fry—never gets criticized for it.

I’m also getting sick of hearing about how she’s running for Obama’s third term. I even heard some jackass on CNN say that she was running for Bill’s third term, which, what? No. That’s the one that put me over the edge, she served in the Obama administration, so I can see that comparison, but saying that she’s

What a coincidence! It just so happens that there’s virtually always something objectionable about the voices of women who speak up in public. I’m sure it has nothing to do with internalized sexism. Just like how women are criticized for every vocal trait imaginable—saying “like” too much, upspeak, vocal fry—while men

Do people really not understand what the term “shrill” means? If anything, I think that Hillary’s speaking voice is a bit dull and flat. It lacks the vibrancy of the Obamas, for example.

Here’s what’s important to me in a President

The only upside of this bullshit, garbage, never-ending conversation is that Hillary gifs are here for us, and they are always a perfect response.

You know how when Pres Obama was elected people lost their minds, and racism drove them to show themselves even more?

1. They’re right that Hillary Clinton’s speaking voice is a far cry from the mellifluous timbre of a songbird. I would not buy any albums she recorded.

Can Karen Walker be our President? #JustJackVP

Short answer: the problem is that voice comes out of a Vagina-American.

so what do they want? some breathless sweet little girl voice?
