
I’ve only watched The Office once through but I always thought that Jim becomes pretty dickish in the later seasons. The episodes where Idris Elba is the new boss and calls him on his antics come to mind.

Yes, Jaimie is with the good guys now!

This wasn’t James Cameron’s hill to die on. He might even have a point, but it just can’t come from an old white guy. Especially when the movie was directed by a woman, and was very well received by women at the box office.

Well, it took me 20 minutes to find this article, since I didn’t see it on the front page. The front page is probably the best place for new articles, in future.

It took me like 5 minutes to even find the WOT post, as the homepage just seems to randomly list new and old things in no particular order, and there is no /recent page.