Your mom charges a lot of money for an alt-right crank.
Your mom charges a lot of money for an alt-right crank.
“Will you go to lunch? Go to lunch. WILL you GO to LUNCH?”
Yeah he totally signed up for money, power and greed. There was even a check box on the forms he filled out when he signed up that specifically said “You are doing this for the corporate overlords.”
You obviously have no member of your family in the armed services. I do, as well as a few friends, and they do not joint…
“It’s shit like this that makes me embarrassed to call myself liberal.”
You must be new here. The Gawker network is extremely left, and anything else is shit. All of these commenters are keyboard warriors. Nothing more
I appreciate your sharing this, Sam. Thank you. Needed it badly this Monday.
All the people making fun of Daft Punk in the comments can kick rocks.
sorry bout your life
The outrage fire needs fuel.
I mean, he’s not wrong. This article, particularly the headline, makes it seem at first like Carell is making a “audiences these days are just too darned sensitive” statement like Jerry Seinfeld or Chris Rock.
That was my thought too. Even Terry Crews would be a better choice than The Rock.
Fine about chapman and Tanaka, but c’mon now with stanton. The marlins needed to trade stanton as they were losing money. They had a deal with the giants/cardinals, but he declined both and designated only last year’s 4 lcs teams as his destinations. Yankees just decided to take a chance.
This is what I find funny. Like “AHHH HATING ON THE YANKEES BECAUSE IT’S THE THING TO DO AHHHH”, but like..... who is actually hatable here? As a person?
Tsk...tsk... these are not the store-bought Yanks of yore. This a young team of good draft picks that came up together, and smart trades, that are a ton of fun and easy to root for. That 2009 haterade has past it’s expiration date...
That was actually court case Finders v Keepers
Fucking A its not. Glad someone on this shit for brains website gets it. I dont need to have as much money as Bezos to lead a good life. Im tired of people attacking the successful because they are too much of a victim to get off their own ass and do something about their life.
You don’t know why Norm would get a spot on a late night talk show? He’s possibly the best talk show guest ever. Go look at his countless spots with Letterman and Conan. They have millions of hits on YouTube. Plus, he’s promoting his Netflix show.
He has a talk show starting on Netflix on Friday, so he’s doing interviews and making appearances to promote it.