Because Stephen King.
Because Stephen King.
Great article. And you totally nail it. I work in a buttoned down, custom suit sales office. My boss, and his boss and his boss all drive Aston Martins. There are 2 E60 M5s in the lot. Oh and a GT3. Smattering of A6/7/8. Obligatory S4s. And an R8 too. And then, there is my low, loud Phantom Black Evo X (great taste,…
That was an excellent read. Thank you. Now I want to get rid of my safe, reliable and normal Mazda and go buy something that might light on fire in my driveway, or through a drive shaft on the freeway... i’m serious; this made me miss my Jalopies from younger years.
Viperfan1, my heart is a house with many rooms: I do the work on my ‘73 Camaro myself. But I’ll accept smart fool. Anyone in this hobby is.
“This car is what I look like on the inside” is the most perfect thing I have ever heard to describe this ridiculous hobby of ours. I’m going to look at my fifteen-year-old modded-to-hell Impreza a little differently from now on, ‘cause holy shit, it’s actually my messy innards laid bare in steel and glass and rubber…
Let’s be frank—Nissan knew what it was doing when it created the Skyline. So much so that I’ll wager more people…
That’s because Audi wants to to look fast while sitting still... you know, while your waiting for a tow truck
You can actually drag the icons in the system tray around so that they appear on the task bar or are hidden in the popup bubble you have to click on. It seems the dragging is sticky even after a reboot. For instance, Dropbox decides that it's so important it has to be showing all the time, but you can drag it into the…
I have been carrying around the Buck 503 for the last 20+ years. Beautiful materials, elegant design and very functional. It performs just as well as the other more tactical-looking knifes with a bit more refinement.…
Mac:, our favorite to-do app on the iPhone, is now available as a native Mac app. It comes packed with…
Personally, I actually agree with Arment a bit here. I'd like to see iOS 8.5 or whatever—something that irons out the bugs, makes things like extensions work properly, and leaves the bulk of iOS untouched. I don't care about new iPhones. I don't care about new Macs. I sure as hell don't care about a smartwatch.
I adore audiobooks. They've come a long way in the past fifteen years!
Two kids and a demanding job meant I hardly had time to read at all - I had no commute as I lived five minutes walk from work, and at night I was too tired. I'm now an avid audio-book "reader", and can read when I'm doing house-work, driving etc etc etc. I use a Kindle with Whispersync if I ever get a free moment to…