
Great Value marvel

That’s a very broad generalization. I am fairly certain there are some people here that are honest.

I had a copy of Postal somewhere at home, wish I could find it....

Yeah I’d say because it was already done. Maybe use someone else like Mr. Sinister, Master Mold, or Callisto. I know I don’t want to see the same story rehashed over and over again.

Now he needs to touch Jr and Eric...

I’ve found that the smaller rounds come out better than actual tater tots. Less inside that doesn’t crisp.

I don’t remember that in the other games, I’m looking forward to getting the game later when it comes out on sale with all the DLC.

I saw it growing up and loved it. Never got a chance to finish, now that I have access to HBO GO I need to watch.

Agreed on m&m’s, never order an m&m blizzard.

I bbq’ed and wrapped two onions in foil and cooked one with butter and the other with lime juice. Soooooo damn good.

I used to not eat tomato but I ate ketchup. Wasn’t till college when the burgers were small and I needed all the extras I could get to fill up.

I love all onions, raw, cooked, grilled, sauted. diced, sliced. A local taqueria has the best cooked onion, smothered in butter and cooked with season all.

Think you can cast a spell and save us Constantine?


My parents were regulars for those places and had a revolving account for YEARS. For awhile I was sucked into it with them but I finally got the strength to say no to extending the loan and have been free from it for years now. Now that I lost both parents bills are piling up and it is tempting but I do not want to go

How christian of them.

There is a bfast sausage I found at my local store that is diced up sausage, bacon, and ham in link form.

Amen, I toss a few in the air fryer then smash them in a pan and add egg for my tacos.

Well, not that shocked.

Like they say, people look down on the poor for getting government assistance but it’s fine with a rich corporation gets the hand out.