
This article made me realise how ridiculous it is that there isn’t a national sex offender registry.

I was (perhaps naively) surprised by him using that term - I guess I assumed that kids didn’t use that as a slur anymore.

If not one of those teachers immediately stood up and spoke to either the racist in question or the highest authority in the room, then yes, those teachers are a BIG problem (although obviously not the only problem).

““Teachers left,” Brown said. “They were crying and they were offended.”

Yeah I don’t get that. As a literal adult in the room, be a fucking adult in the room and nip that shit in the bud. Send OCU dumbass packing right then. 

modern ;)

Yeah lol, I can’t objectively say I’m attracted to people with gender identities that don’t adhere to the binary because I’ve never met anybody identifying outside of it. I’ve met a couple trans people, but both very solidly identified in a binary way, I’ve met a couple identifying as sapios that were insufferable

In the mid 80's I worked in a manufacturing facility. All the women dreaded shift change, because the men would line both sides of the main hallway. Women would have to “walk the gauntlet” to get to the Women’s locker room and bathrooms. We would have to endure at best leers and sexually charged verbal abuse, and at

I remember terrifying fear, at the age of six when we got cloakrooms and recess, of the ‘games’ that boys somehow knew how to play. Being the only girl in my family/friend group, I thought I knew most games. But I’d never heard of Hit It, Go Get It involving boys hitting girls’ behinds when they were least expecting

I like this response because it confirms bigots can’t tell the difference between gender and mythical creatures. Live your truth buddy.


Only if it means she’ll stab you in the fucking face with her horn. 

I'm so sorry to hear that about your sisters. I hope they and your family are okay now.

Don’t be cheap here--you know full well I didn’t use it to mean they’re paupers. No one deserves this shit. It doesn’t matter how much money they do or don’t have.

My Daughter: Yeah, one of the girl’s father is living with us now.

“detracted from the legitimate claim that Black men have not fared well in the work of Gayle King and Oprah.

Im confused. How have Oprah and Gayle been nice to white rapists and not nice to black rapists. Also they only "expose" (sorry "tarnish") rapists, no one else. Hint: all u have to do, is NOT rape!!! Is it that hard? Why do we hate Oprah and Gayle for calling rapists rapists. And yet again a reminder- strangulation

The fact that Damon ( a straight black man) wrote: “Straight Black Men are the White People of Black People”, gives me more confidence in his assessment towards Snoop.

no, your question was idiotic and is a common excuse that people use for murdering transgender people, so maybe you need to do your fucking research and not run your stupid mouth. shut the fuck up with your “i’m just asking a question” bullshit. look up the gay panic defense for more info, you uneducated pile of trash.