
He seems to have the Trump chin though.

I’m sure you afford the same respect for the people who earnestly believe that the Earth is flat, or that a deranged orangutan is the best US president ever.

So, on your view, if an evangelical Christian is offended by a song that quotes the Bible out of context, it’s not up to us to question why they are offended, or whether their offense is warranted, or whether we should do anything differently given that they’re offended. We’re just supposed to listen and then adjust

Of course, you can go ahead and *ask* that people not use quotes from Muslim religious texts in their artwork. But artists do not need to accede to this request. And, when artists do quote Muslim religious texts in their artwork, you can complain about it. But the complaint is not one that the artist needs to take

Sorry but religions are only sacred to the believers. To anyone else they’re just fairy tales and it doesn’t matter if they’re Christian, Jewish or Muslim, they’re not owed respect or reverence by anyone outside that faith, nor do non-believers have to follow that religion’s rules.

No serious artist should worry about the theological sensitivities of pearl-clutching religious believers of any faith whatsoever. Avoid denigrating others as a general rule, of course, but a remix of a hadith warrants no more offense than a remix of the Nicene Creed.

Thank you to everyone who replied with super kind and comforting words (I can’t see them here because I think they’re still pending). I also wanted to add to my previous post about the site. I have no doubt that Megan and the rest of the writing team at Jezebel put a lot of effort into their work and have a ton of

Read your comment on my phone and came to my laptop specifically to respond.

on sister site The Root a more thoughtful article was posted

Even today, a photo taken in hospital after a pregnancy loss might for the parents feel like the only evidence that their child existed and was loved and mourned. A lot of times, there isn’t a grave to visit afterward. It wouldn’t surprise me if Teigen and Legend also took direct postmortem photos of their son that

This was a good and honest take. More importantly, I wanted to extend condolences to you for all of the loss you’ve experienced, and especially for the most recent loss.

I’m so sorry for your losses. I would also love to hear of alternatives to Jezebel, which I agree has become increasingly mean and lazy and anti-woman in the last few years.

The ugly comments under her post came from the usual suspects. The ones that have penises, small ones, and who will never know what type of trauma happens to you upon losing a child either during pregnancy or childbirth. I would like nothing more than to beat those vile pigs senseless and make them eat those words.

The older I get, the more I realize shutting the fuck up is a skill. I’ve never experienced your loss, but I remember when my dad died, the truly stupid and well-meaning comments were astounding.

I’m a non-profit fundraiser and Dad died the weekend before the event, a gala auction/dinner. I told the committee chair and

Also, that maybe it’ll stop people from saying all sorts of stupid shit to people when they hear about a pregnancy loss.

I am a long time (10+ years) reader and first time commenter.

yes, and just because she lost her child doesn’t mean she doesn’t love him and that he wasn’t a person. He is still her son that she loves and she can share a tribute to him in her arms, even if it was only briefly that she held him.

The one thing that helped me get over my overwhelming sense of guilt and shame over losing three pregnancies was actually reading an article about celebrities who had lost pregnancies. These were people who had access to the best medical care, a private chef to cook all the “right” foods, personal trainers to help

Maybe the part of the problem with American culture is that we are constantly asking the victims of bad behavior to change their behavior instead of the perpetrators. I have truly never experienced a culture like this and I am a child of immigrants and lived lots of places.

I always cringe at blaming people for their own abuse because a social media platform outgrew itself before making a plan to handle abuse of its platform by the masses. Instagram (as now owned by FB) has no incentive to make itself good for people, and abuse should not be taken as a given. It’s what’s allowed because