

Yeah, I had an extremely competitive resume, but didn’t get into any Ivies. I still got a great education, but I had about $30k in debt afterwards. If a place like Harvard had accepted me, I’d be debt-free because I needed Pell Grants and was generally pretty poor.

i never get pics like those. what’s cute about “whaBAM, lookit my pores!”

It’s not about being woke. It’s about honoring everyone as people instead of denigrating them as “exotic mistresses.” I’ve had “exotic” put on me too many times to count. I’ve had people claim no matter who I’m with, that I’m the powerless “mistress” of the relationship. That every man who’s with me must have “yellow

I’m glad this was such a great, positive experience for you! Hope the new recipes work out with your fam because I relate sooooo hard to your son. I fucking love rice! (and McDonald’s too, let’s not lie) Would love an update sometime on if/how this class helped your family improve their eating!

I would refrain from assuming that Asian women desire being someone’s “exotic mistress” just because they’re with someone of a different race. You know nothing about their relationships and why they are together except for your own racialized judgement of what Asian women are looking for. We are people with agency. It

This interview was both a smart and necessary play on the part of the documentarian and these victims. Oprah did a wonderful job asking the tough questions in a calm, respectful way that addressed common attacks made against survivors while ensuring these men still knew they were in a supportive, safe environment.

Oh lord. Never heard of the second dude, but GamerGate gives me a special kind of agita. What can I say, every group’s got their own lil shitheads!

I love you for writing this, Monique. Her “I am the only exception to your black woman tropes” bullshit has always infuriated me.

Ahhh yes, this must be that famous “conservative humor” I keep hearing about....

Don’t you know that women are always at fault for the actions of men?

Right?? It honestly just wasn’t something that I thought too much about, and I live in museum central (Smithsonians in DC).

I remember watching Wade Robson on TV around a decade ago. He choreographed some amazing things for So You Think You Can Dance. I always really admired his art, and he seemed like a very normal, low-key, chill dude. It breaks my heart that this happened to him. I hope being in this documentary can help bring him some c

Absolutely it does! I get my bill back from ER stays, and it’s literally in the tens of thousands of dollars, which insurance then has to pay. Like, y’all motherfuckers could have saved SO MUCH MONEY by just helping me out in covering my visits, but noOOooo000OOOo

Oh yeah. I was born with a heart defect, had open heart surgery, and the recommended follow-up for someone with my condition is to see a cardiologist annually. But because I’m young, cardiology visits aren’t considered necessary and aren’t covered until you hit 40 or something. I’ve tried to explain their necessity to

Honest question right back, do you really even care about the answer to your question? If you’re so interested, go find out more about her and find the answer yourself.

I love following her on Instagram for this reason! She is always lifting up black dancers on that platform, and posts from her lift up my day a little too.

i swear to god their show has a fucking voodoo-level hold over me. why do i watch it? i don’t even like half the shit she does! stop putting text on walls as “art” ahhhhhhhh!

That gag order is fucking nonsense. Oh, so it’s immaterial to anyone that he was convicted of those charges and has a history? What the fuck is this shit? Is freedom of the press in Australia seriously that fucked?

You know what’s wild? I’m on Reddit a lot, and over time, I’ve noticed that more and more folks seem to be coming around on racism being a “thing” than before, but lines on gender issues haven’t moved in the same way. Sure, most of them are still far from progressive on race or from even really understanding the