
Thanks, boo. Hope you’re doing better as well!


The DC metro is really deep underground. Like really deep. We have some of the longest escalators in the world. That being said, DC residents really stick to the right-left lane rule on them: stand on the right, walk on the left.

YAAAS for their men’s line! This makes me sad as someone who is dating a umm.. VERY short man. Gap and Banana are a few of the only mainstream clothing stores that carry 28x28 men’s pants.

Please educate yourself and hush.

Yo I’m with you here. I’m a pre-k teacher myself, and though I’m not thrilled about it, I’ve had to drag a student out of the classroom. When a child is flipping out and doing things that could harm other students (chucking chairs directly at peers, in my case), I can’t spare the time to walk them through calming