Deadspin Highlight Truth Center In Secaucus

It was mostly in the shots where it was snowing, and the opening shot of the statue. I thought he might have degraded the quality to keep with the old school theme. Strange, because every other shot was so sharp. Maybe it was a lens thing. The Roadshow was super fun, and I kind of loved the intermission. Hopefully it

Lol, it’s obvious that you don’t know jack about lifting.

The closeups were fucking gorgeous in 70 mm, but most of the wide shots were terribly blurry.

He probably wasn’t nominated for Django because of Waltz and DiCaprio going for the same award, and his character in this one was kind of a rehash of Jules/every SLJ character ever.

Now playing

In the video you posted he doesn’t seem to struggle too much with either part. You can see in this one that the lockout is the sticking point.

HamNo already said it was fine.

I’ve had the same shoulder issue since high school. Switching to dumbbells worked for me, and puts greater activation on the pecs. I think it stems from flaring my elbows and not keeping the shoulder blades pinned back.

To be that other guy, getting the bar off the floor is usually the hardest part if you lift sumo. Locking out is usually the hardest part when pulling conventional.

He’s using a mixed grip.

That’s more of a rack pull than a deadlift. Still impressive though. Definitely more than HamNo can max.

What if they literally showed 3.0 and then 1.0 with the final frame being Anno giving everyone the finger

Nice try smith machine squatter, we know it’s you.

He could’ve dropped 857.

You mean the pussy pad.

Really stretching the definition of almost

Since then, the company has produced a string of popular groups, such as KinKi Kids...

I think you might be underestimating just how much of a competitive advantage China has in manufacturing. Offsetting the cost advantage would cost an insane amount of money. We’d probably have to pay them to manufacture here. China has a lower minimum wage and way lower standards for factory working conditions. If

What a ham.

No, you had me right, I am a condescending asshole. I’ve never denied that. But compared to me you’re fucking goatse. I know you have to compensate for that tiny clit you call a penis, and if yelling at strangers on the internet makes you feel better then I’m glad I could help. Now why don’t you go look up some more

This is too fucking funny.