
I....would have been extremely stupid.

Disasters faced under Trump like....

Show us the feet sweetie.

There is a guy at work who just has to slurp his coffee.....every sip....really loudly! He also eats like a fucking pig, like he is slapping his food around inside his mouth with his mouth open. Sitting in the cafeteria at 4am and listening to this hoss makes me want to throw him though the bloody window......then go

Let’s see here - put people on drugs to regulate their emotions, potentially causing other side effects, or just being a decent fucking human being and stop chewing like a god damn farm animal?

We’re so fucked.


No worries, folks, Trump’s cabinet has GOT THIS.

This is a rookie mistake. The spine of the old god is meant to be installed as part of the building foundation, not a center piece in the bloody lobby. The dark one’s will can cause headaches and nausea when the dosage is this high!

Aren’t we cheerful? The people who are thoughtful tend to be the people who donate their time/money to those in need. His comment is doing way more good than yours.

I’m sure that’ll do them a lot of good

Thoughts and prayers go them.

Yeah, I’m going to be THAT guy. Why the fuck is this on Gizmodo?

“It’s really too bad because he’s not a bad kid,”said Stephens. “He didn’t realize how much danger he was putting other people in.”

Who gives a shit! Bring back Original Gizmodo where Tech Mattered not this garbage.

The insurance fraud one is the only really bad one, and even that is not heinous. I was expecting greaseball stuff. Instead, it’s several variations on “These ladies are pretty!” Presumably on pictures of ladies who want to be told they are pretty.

Poor guy. He never asked for any of this. He just wanted to go to a debate.

This poor man. Can we not just leave shit alone? I’m real fuckin’ pleased to have not heard about Harambe for a week, but how long are we gonna have to ride the Bone Train?

Dude is enjoying his 15 minutes, and you decide to put him on blast for relatively innocuous comments?

Hm, not that impressive. Two better revenge stories: