
It amazes me how utterly blind so many men are to their or other men’s behavior that is so blatantly creepy/aggressive/intended to intimidate a woman.

So interesting how the majority of women immediately picked up on his intentions. I had a mini debate party with my boyfriend (beer and poke bowlzz) and he noticed how bothered I looked while Trump hovered. He laughed at Trump, calling him a creeper and I was like, “He wants to intimidate her. It’s happened to me so

This shit for real raised my heart rate just watching it happen. Too many flashbacks to creepy men hovering and invading my personal space.

Now playing

omg this is probably what being in a relationship with a Kardashian is like.

Please, don't be sorry. It's been like 10 years of this shit. I'm tired too.

I'm more distracted by the fact that Kim put a choker on a 3 year old.

I’m sorry.

There are teenagers and children who follow the Kardashians on social media. Why do you think the very young Kylie and Kendall have become so popular lately? Many of these minors who look up to the Kardashians are genuinely ignorant about this type of advertising.

I want to sympathize but considering the way Niantic favors large cities and shafted most suburbs or rural areas. It is really really hard for me to care about anyone playing in the city at all.

I bet I could beat the pants off both of them in a shrimp eating contest! Sometimes I wish nature had given me advantages in other areas, but you take what you can get.

The issue here is that Semenya’s testosterone levels are beyond that 10 nmol/L...which is already significantly beyond what the “average” woman’s levels are, even a woman with PCOS. Semenya also had internal testes and was (if I remember correctly) XY. She was raised female based on her external genitalia. Her

Joking about Caitlyn Jenner being a phony is not the same thing as joking about all transpersons.

Thinking Caitlyn Jenner is a phony is not transphobic.

Agreed. I get being offended at thinking of being trans as a phase (but I don’t think that was the intent of the joke, as far as good/bad intentions matter). I also get the joke of the Jendashians being willing to do anything (including transition) for ratings. And I think BM, though she may have spoke out of turn,

You are right, they’re absolutely not. I had the exact same thought Bette did.

But nonetheless it’s a shitty joke and a stupid thing to write.

yup. I honestly got no problem with the tweet.

Having respect for transgender people and also believing Kaitlin Jenner may be a phony are not mutually exclusive points of view.

While this technique might have been legitimate, it can’t be applied consistently to all players, because Pokemon Go relies on geography. Some locations have more PokeStops allowing optimizations like these. There is no simple solution as the geography of every country is varied, and simply adding more stops on the

I’ve had this game since launch and according to it I’ve accrued 154,000 XP in that time. So yeah, I don’t think. “I’m a *bit* hardcore and play *somewhat* efficiently” is an accurate statement if you make over 600,000 XP in a single day. Anyone complaining about these anti-botting measures being draconian is off