
This is a very complicated issue that won’t be fixed just by legalizing it. I actually agree with him that legal prostitution commodifies women’s bodies (and to a smaller extent, men’s bodies) and that’s not ok with this feminist.

Yeah and I can’t help but to think how it will affect young men and women. Porn already has had a pretty negative impact on how youth access and process sex. I can’t imagine what boys will think if they know they can just throw some money at a girl and get what they want. It does strike me as entitled and dog knows we

And unfortunately if you look at countries with legalized sex work sex trafficking has not disappeared... it’s just easier to hide. There are more men who want to buy sex than there are women willing to sell sex, and there are awful people willing to take advantage of that.

He’s a delicate geeeeenius, dontcha know.

“But her apology isn’t going to do anything for your life.”

People always say stuff like this, but it’s not true. The Democrats haven’t undergone some rightward shift in the recent past, actually the opposite is the case: Just as the Republicans have become more conservative over the past few decades, Democrats have become more liberal. The country is much more partisan than

I was happy to vote for Sanders back in March, but if I’d been voting yesterday I would’ve grumpily voted for Clinton because ENOUGH. It’s honestly sad to see this happening to him. I understand it’s hard to quit when small donors are still sending you tens of millions of dollars. But the smart Big Picture thing to do

Nothing about Hillary Clinton’s proposals are moderate Republican. She’s left of Obama. There’s a reason why the GOP has aggressively gone after her for 30 years. Or do you have an explanation for that, too? Part of another conspiracy, maybe? Her current policies are contained by one thing: her analysis of what she

it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals. But

This. I have unfollowed and unfriended more Bernie zealots than Trump supporters at this point. I voted Bernie and have been chewed out by his supporters for being a Hillary shill this entire time. The fact that I could ever criticize Bernie is sacrilegious. I have experienced the Bernie Bro, first hand and many

His organizational skills lack basic follow through at the primary level. How the hell is he going to manage to run a country? His go to for answering questions he does not like is to just walk away from them. But yes, he will totally be able to take on Congress!

I mean, you fuck one goat and they call you a goat fucker.

Yeah, it just bugs the hell out of me that they were asked to do the bare minimum of what they were supposed to, show up, register and confirm we've got your info correct; couldn't be bothered to do even that...and suddenly IT'S NOT DEMOCRACY!!!

Are you me? Because this is EXACTLY how I feel. Sanders appealed to me early on too, until it started to become clear that he doesn't have a great handle on how he's going to enact all these changes he's proposing, and his supporters are so ridiculously ill-informed. If I see another half-baked Sanders meme on my FB

I’m acquantainces with a die-hard Bernie supporter and am friends with him on Facebook. He was recently quoted in a Huffington Post article because he has a Facebook group trying to encourage people to march on the Dem convention to probably this exact end.

The lack of organizing has been the death of the Sanders campaign. They put all their money into huge rallies, TV ads, and internet presence. They trained no one. His supporters do not understand the process, so they’re all ready to believe whatever ridiculous conspiracy theory or imaginary delegate math scenarios

“it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals.”

Also, Clinton won the NV primary election. Nothing was being stolen from these people. Blame the Sanders ground game for not having its delegates be prepared and follow the rules.

“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.
