
The entitlement in telling another woman what to do with her eyebrows. I just — not to be obnoxious about it, but this is how women enact and enforce the patriarchy on one another.

RS should have taken a page with how the Toronto Star investigated the allegations against Ghomeshi. They went to great lengths making sure the victims stories were well-vetted and researched. And even though they had emails and texts from Ghomsehi to the women, they STILL weren't going to go live with the story until

ALL OF THIS! I was so excited when I finally left the greys, after feeling discouraged for months. I did my best to promote the unapproved commenters left behind.

Haha, I remember you. You let the starred contributors get away with behavior that was frankly unbelievable.

It seems like there's a simple solution: don't allow html in burner posts. Only text. It seems like this would be super easy.

Oh I'm sure it's technically very impressive. It's just hard to appreciate that when HOLY FUCKING SHIT THERE ARE GIANT SPIDERS COMING AT ME LET ME OFF THIS FUCKING THING

Kate, Harry Potter Land is actually a magical place of wonder and amazement. You should absolutely go for a few days. I loved it so much I'm sad that the Three Broomsticks isn't franchising itself and putting one in my city so that I can go hang out there regularly.

I just recently heard Erin Gloria on a podcast show called "Ask Roulette," in which she mentioned how glad she was to see photos from a reunion at her high school, how great it was that everyone had gotten "reeeeally faaaaaat heh heh heh heh." I just assumed she was a garbage person, but in light of this article,

He has no commitment to education period.

LeGrand's speech would've been boring anyway - kids want to hear the behind-the-scenes dirt from the "New Jersey and You: Perfect Together" ad campaign that only Kean can dish!

Former governor Tom Kean is a great choice for commencement speaker...if said commencement is taking place at a middle school.

It's never good when the story involves you and Eric LeGrand and you come off as the spineless one.

Good Christ! I have 3 kids, all birthed in a hospital setting with the assistance of a midwife, nurse and husband (and drugs for 2 of them). I cannot, for the fucking life of me, imagine giving birth at 16 in my childhood home's bedroom (how do you hide the mess from your mom?!). Then taking that newborn - so soon

Batdad is great partly because it really feels like a father annoying his kids. Banedad has the kid pretending to be annoyed while delivering obviously scripted lines. It's cute, but lacks the oomph that made the original work.

I hate catalogs that carry men's sizes up to Santa Claus but for women think a size 16 is XL.

Once they grab the door, HULK SMASH!