
I can find people on this liberal website right here that still think they were equally corrupt and it didn’t really matter who was elected, so they didn’t bother to vote, or voted third party. So, yeah I think it made a difference. Especially since she only lost by about 80,000 votes out of over 120 million.

I love the way he keeps putting the blame on “Congress” like it is all of Congress responsible for the bullshit that has been going on. Hell, Democrats were even willing to fund Trump’s monument to racism on the southern border to protect the dreamers and it was Republicans who took a big steaming dump on that deal.

No, I’m not. You’re conflating “opposing communism” with conservatism. Republican propaganda has spent decades conflating liberalism with socialism/communism despite virtually all liberals being capitalists. Republicans needed a way to defend the fact that that everything they do is to serve their wealthy donors, so

I listen to this partisan bickering over blaming people, it’s ridiculous. We are absolutely not capable of dealing with our country’s finances, and, of course, a big part of it is the American people don’t really want it to be controlled.

We white folk already have the Highland Games, October Fest, Burning Man, St. Patrick’s Day, Guy Fawkes Night (shout out to the English) and two sports exclusive to us (Nascar and Hockey). Why try to claim somebody else’s thing too?

But he knows he can’t get anything through the Senate, so what’s the point really? I think this announcement is him saying that he really can’t be bothered to even pretend to do his job anymore.

The Trump administration is considering a plan that would require some food stamp recipients applying for specific jobs to undergo drug testing.

There is another element in play here. He just passed a $1.5 trillion giveaway to his wealthiest donors, now he is going to get a cushy job as a lobbyist, or consultant, something like that, and make millions of dollars a year. That’s what Eric Cantor did, and that asshole lost an election instead of stepping down,

This seems less like twisting Trump’s words around to defend him, and more like undercutting him. At least that is the way I imagine Trump will see it, he hates it when people “correct” him no matter how moronic he was being. The correct Trumpian response would have been to say that “the President has the right and

“Father, what is that man leading that other man in a rabbit costume around with a leash doing?”

Now playing

Seriously. Paul Ryan is the poster child of “party over country.”

The point was “has conservative ideology ever been on the right side of history” and it isn’t “conservative ideology” if it is virtually identical to “liberal ideology.” That is just “American ideology.”

I’ll bet money right now that he becomes a regular Fox News contributor for the next 8 years so he can bitch about the Democrats without having any responsibility. He needs to fix his image as a spineless lickspittle if he is ever going to run for President, and losing to a Democrat pretty much guarantees you become a

Thank you! I wanted to scream this at my tablet when I was reading the article yesterday but decided that posting in the WaPo comment section is a waste of my time.

Everyone opposed the Soviet Union, Republicans just tried to create the narrative that they were the only ones really opposed to it because they wanted to thought police American citizens.

I have and it is. I just hear the “sad trombone” sound in my head over and over whenever I see it. Few people deserve to be publicly humiliated as much as Ted Cruz does.

I don’t think Cruz has a spine either.

The liars who have made up the Republican politician class are being replaced by people who truly, genuinely believe those lies. The right-wing is being radicalized by constant, unending exposure to propaganda, and now that radicalized element has taken control of the government and an enormous chunk of the “news.”

“Administrator Pruitt had zero knowledge of the amount of the raises, nor the process by which they transpired,” Pruitt’s chief of staff, Ryan Jackson, told the Atlantic in a statement.

Finally, the Post notes that “insurers no longer will be required to devote 80 percent of their income to customers’ care, if they can show that a higher profile would improve their financial stability.” The new rule also raises the threshold for insurers to justify premium spikes from 10 percent to 15 percent. If