Unfortunately, disgrace is a state of existence that Mulvaney isn’t capable of recognizing.
Unfortunately, disgrace is a state of existence that Mulvaney isn’t capable of recognizing.
Gitmo seems perfect for this. Plus, it is already traditional to allow people who can swim from Cuba to the mainland to go free.
I believe we are employees of Soros which is why we got W-2's, but I think we are contractors for Bezos and you have to file those earnings as a small business that you own. Bezos is a wicked cheapskate when it comes to funding protests, so he uses contractors to avoid having to provide benefits.
There has been an absolute deluge of negative stories coming out about Scott Pruitt lately, it makes me wonder who is out to get him and why now? I’m sure there are tons of people at the EPA that would gladly shove him under a bus, but that has been true for the entire last year. I can’t think of any reason that…
Government is too big, we need to slash programs, oh fuck we had a hurricane, where the hell is FEMA?
This is another example of how every fucking word that spews from the mouths of Republicans is utter bullshit. The only thing they ever, EVER, say is “My side is good, your side is bad!”
I can’t tell the skin color of the children from that picture so how could I possibly make an educated guess about how Sessions is going to treat them?
You know what story I can’t ever remember reading? That cops tried to deescalate a situation and the the suspect murdered someone with a knife/drew a gun from behind their back and murdered someone before the police could respond. I can’t ever remember reading about cops having their guns pointed at someone, and that…
I genuinely do not understand why we are covering Trump’s tweets like they are about specific policies, or that the individual words he chooses at any moment have a specific meaning.
Wow, Frum wrote that while Flynn was still the National Security Advisor. He seems like a prophet these days...though he did undersell just how blatantly corrupt every single member of Trump’s cabinet would be.
Melania is just as much of a racist asshole as Trump is. She peddled Obama Birtherism just as hard as he did, she and Trump deserve each other.
It’s like Bernie Madoff saying that maybe you’ve stolen a little too much.
Even that wasn’t what got him shitcanned, they knew about that for years. They didn’t get rid of him until his advertisers started abandoning him in droves because of the bad PR.
A lot of people talk about the way that Islamist terrorists become radicalized but no one ever seems to talk about the way that right-wing conservatives become radicalized. I imagine there is a ton of overlap though in how it happens. We know that Dylan Roof was radicalized by the way he used the internet, he started…
“The National Rifle Association is families—good families. It’s the most important grassroots family organization in the world, Joe.”
Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, senior pastor of Windsor Village United Methodist Church, a megachurch of more than 17,000 most African American members
Yes. Yes, I did. Thank you for catching that while I could still edit it. Stupid brain.
Seems easy enough since their radar only focuses on people who are raging fucking assholes in the most public way possible.
Unfortunately, people like Hogg don’t receive millions of dollars in donations from corporations when they run for office, because his positions won’t make anyone rich.
I’m sure Fox News can find someone even worse to replace her with. Sean Hannity is far more openly white supremacist than Bill O’Reilly was. And Tucker Carlson has got to be the stupidest pundit I have ever seen.